When it comes down to it there are only a few groups of people (at least for this entry). Those who are single, dating, married or divorced. There is a common thread in this writers opinion and that is...we all want to be loved, liked or satisfied with what ever we do.
My dilemma is that it seems like everyone wants to be in the opposite category from which they currently reside. In fact, we have over a 50% divorce rate in this country, I wonder about the 50% that stay married- Are they really happy or just staying together for what ever reason (economics,money or kids). In this blog I plan to discuss some reasons to get married and some ways to know if ((you)) are even ready.
Some people choose to get married at a very young age (say 19-22) and they often morph into someone totally different by the time they are 10 years older, but you know you can't tell young folk no good-lol! Then the other extreme is those who wait until they are dang near 40 to settle down. A potential issue here lies in the cement factor. Ya know, they all mixed up, settled in they ways and not flexible and resistible to change of another perspective. After all, they made it thus far in life, now how some man or woman gonna come all up in your life trying to run something!!! I think that is especially hard for women, because you are all often the stronger sex emotionally! If a man ain't got his ish together, a woman ain't moving in with you and give up her comfort zone to be with U and your mama.
I know woman who tried to accept a man who was failing in certain areas and it straight blew up in their face. This lady in particular, met a man down at the free concert who had no shirt on and was walking. It took three weeks until she realized he had no car or place to live. I ain't hating on his situation but ole girl has a house and car already. They are not evenly yoked, so problems will arise-Truss! I mean if your mate doesn't know the importance of having car insurance and gas money how is he gonna respect your stuff. What about the man who fell for the woman who was working fries at McDonald's with big butt? Again, not knocking fast food workers, but he was a banking supervisor. Seems like they was in 2 different directions. Chris Rock said if yall on two separate pages it similar to a crack head dating a Christian. On Sunday you say I am off to service, where you going, he replies--to hit the pipe for a few hours...humm you see my point?
How about some ground rules to help get people going with this dating process. Know you self first. Have an ideal of what you want and don't want. Brutha Malcolm X said, "If a man stands for nothing, he will fall for anything"!! How do you treat your parents and other family members? Do you lose self control if you get rubbed the wrong way? Can your bone head keep calm under pressure? The way you deal with family is an indicator of how you will deal with your new mate! Are you a positive person or do you let negative talk consume your thoughts? This can damage your relationship or at least make the other person think you should not be around guns or knives??? What about money? How many bounced checks do you average? Everybody makes some mistakes sometimes, but at least get some financial classes, cause Foreclosure ain't no joke! Can you keep a job? This is a reason some couples have separate checking accounts---Cuz they don't trust you dumb butt! But they can't come out and say that now can they?
What about kids, do you want them, cause kids change your whole relationship but that is another blog! Most couples don't communicate. Take time to cut the darn television off and talk about each other day. Know how he/she feels. Listen and don't freaking interrupt either. Just be respectful. You will be surprised how quickly u get to know your mate! Ask them what can I do to make you happy instead of assuming. I think the opposite sex thinks the other should think like they think about a few months of dating and that is when arguments usually start.
I know nobody is perfect so you gonna have issues with anybody you are dating because let's face it, sometimes I don't like myself, so I know you may hate me at times 2! Its no reason to say I ain't never dating again. Sometimes we gotta make self improvement changes to meet that right person. Perhaps some of us should remain single if we keeps going through the opposite sex. Think about it like this. You have to search to find a mate who you like that likes you back and then all the other thangs that come along...wheeewww! Love is a long shot, but since we don't have no classes on how to be a good mate, we have to work with what we work with. Meaning, you get what you put out-right?
Well in closing, I say this, Marriage is hard work, but well worth it for two are better than one, and singleness is cool if you can embrace alone time with yourself. In fact, date your self. Do things for your self, like buy yourself roses, get a manicure, go on a spa day or drink a glass of wine while eating chocolate strawberries in front of the fire place** so you can tell your mate this how I like to be treated.
I don't know about you but I ain't giving up on love.
Ward up yalllll......