At a gathering one evening, I over heard two men talking. The first gentleman told the 2nd a story that hinged on a quotation......."There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will"! Man #1 went on to say it was a quote from the Bible (It wasn't). Man #2 knew it wasn't also, and try as he might to hold his tongue and not put #1 on blast: he had to speak his peace. Man #2 said that is from Shakespeare sucka!!!! Man #1 said, What? Shakespeare? Impossible! Absurd I tell you, that quote is from the Bible, he yelled!!! Well, as these two were beginning a lively debate, a third man sitting near by who was an Shakespeare expert, chimmed in and agreed with the Man # 1 who was clearly lying as he gently nudged man #2's leg under the table. And the subject was then changed into basketball-lol!
Ironically, late that evening the men we leaving the gathering and one asked the other, "why did you lie in support of Man #1? We both knew he was lying thru his crooked yellow teeth?" The friend said, "Yes the old guy was in fact lying because that quote he mentioned was from Act 5 scene 2, but since everyone were guest at festive occasion, why prove the man wrong and bust his bubble in front of everyone? Would that make him like you if you win?"
The only thing that would have resulted from this situation is one person would have been made to feel uncomfortable and those others watching would have been turned off! The point is, not to encourage lying, rather avoiding an argument because you lose even if you win and lose if you lose! Wardy looks at it like this, ""If a person is convinced of something against his will (your not cheating on them, you didn't gossip about them) they will still have his same opinion when you are gone!
I can't tell you how many silly arguments I had with ex-lovers in my past because of wanting to change someone's mind when I knew I was right-lol! Looking back, those women probably still think to this day that they were right and I was wrong but who really cared at the end of the day? Why not try the following:
- Welcome the disagreement: When 2 partners always agree, one of them is not necessary
- Control your temper:You can measure a person by what makes him/her angry
- Listen first: Build bridges of understanding rahter than barriers of misunderstandings
- Be honest: Look for areas of where you can admit error or say so and apologize for your mistakes
The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid them totally, if at all possible- because you can't win......
I am WarD.......
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