Wednesday, January 29, 2014

When it is too late I am sure you will quit smoking......

Every smoker in the world has a reason that they haven’t quit smoking. Most are related to life situations that have or haven’t happened yet, “I’ll quit after this big project,” “I’ll quit when I have kids,” and many of them, from the outside, are either exasperating or just plain dumb, not to mention how smoking ages you!
Here are some of the favorites that Wardy has recently heard......
“I’m too stressed right now, I’ll do it later.”
“I’ve smoked all my life, I can’t quit.”
“Why bother, I already have lung cancer.”
“I will when I’m done with school, right now it helps me focus.”
“My Grandfather lived to be in his 90’s and smoked until the day he died.”
“If smoking won’t get me something else will.”
“My doctor hasn’t told me that it has affected my health, I consider quitting when he says I need to.”
“If I quit smoking I’ll gain weight.”
"I am an occasional smoker because my spouse smokes in the garage and its quality time for us then!"
And yet, the excuses are simply the things that people say out loud in defense of their smoking. In reality, the reasons that a person hasn’t already quit could have little to do with whether they want to or not.
“A 2010 CDC survey of current tobacco users found that 68.8% of current tobacco users express a desire to quit long term, 52% try at least one quit attempt per year, yet only 6.2% are successful one year after the quit attempt, which I feel points to the need of more support, I found out.!!!Most tobacco users are trying yet few are successful.”
Without the excuses, the real reasons begin to stand out in stark contrast. Most of them revolve around a lack of knowledge of the resources available, and how nicotine addiction works in the system.
“Smoking is addictive because of the nicotine in the tobacco products. I like to point out to people that nicotine is not what kills people (at least in the dosage delivered by the tobacco products on the market),”  “Nicotine is the drug that addicts people to the product; it is the delivery of the nicotine that kills! Nicotine is the fastest drug across the blood brain barrier and the mechanisms of delivery gets the drug to the brain in about 10 seconds or less. Another factor that many people don’t realize is that nicotine is eliminated quite quickly from the body (the half-life is about 2 hours) which causes withdrawal symptoms about two hours or so after the last cigarette. The withdrawal presents as agitation and irritability, among other things. I often refer to this as the body having a temper tantrum {drug withdrawal.} Smoking another cigarette temporarily takes away the temper tantrum and people often equate this with relaxation.”
After knowing why they’re having such a hard time quitting due to what cigarettes are doing biologically to their system, smokers then have to understand that they are suffering from an addiction; that it is not simply the biological symptoms that need to be addressed.
“Many people don’t look at tobacco use as an addiction; they try to rely on sheer determination and will power in order to quit,” 
As with other addictions, it is important to develop an awareness of the behaviors that trigger a need to smoke. From further research I found that unaddressed triggers are a significant contributor to a failed attempt to quit.
“The top triggers I hear and read about people – stress, talking on the phone, after a meal, with coffee, out with friends and needing to help sleep at night????? – are all triggers that typically don’t leave their lives. “The years of conditioned behavior associated with certain triggers can take time to “reprogram” in a person’s brain. The good news is, the brain can be reprogrammed and it really doesn’t take much except for the conscious acknowledgment of the trigger and a conscious effort to do something else when that trigger arises.” It won't be as easy to quit as it was when you began, but when its too late I am sure you will quit smoking or face the alternative suckers....
I am waRd......

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Love changes that change us......

Lets face it, one reason people have so many relationship issues is due to them focusing on what they have to give up rather than all they have to gain from this new union! I re-read the wedding vows that people often use during weddings. I, especially paid attention to part that says "for better or worse"! How many times do couples forget about those words when something happens to irate you or when your spouse ruins the fancy wheels or your whip after you warned them hundreds of times!
Heck, I guess its easier said- than done-huh? When you get down to the root of most issues, I feel its all about communication!!! In most relationships, there seems to be one, who is more into the other one. You know the one who is always trying to hold the relationship together, while the other is well bent on doing the opposite. But why is it like that? Could it be that opposites attract each other like a moth to a flame, like white on rice or ugly on Flavor Flav? What ever the case, there are many of people in "Struggle Relationships" who either don't know it or just don't care.
Couples start out so strong, taking lovely pictures that capture those precious memories of how that whole  love thing started.  Fast fwd 7 years in any relationship and notice that the kisses (if any) aren't as frequent or passionate, the waist lines aren't as small or the conversations revolve around the kids lives and activities. I call this the Love changes that change us in full effect! Surely no one starts out with someone thinking that it will all go south in a few measly months/years, but at the same token, many couples don't always proactively safeguard them either. They say, relationships can be hard work, which means that instead of thinking that grass is greener on the other side, perhaps one would behoove themselves by spending more time watering their own back yards. We have to take time to snuggle on the sofa while watching an old movie, holding hands on a date two hours before a movie starts, praying with your partner for success of your union and always trying to figure out ways to out love the other!
I don't know about you, but I am realized a long time ago that I only have a limited # of hours on this planet we call Earth, so I don't want to waste any more time that I absolutely have to by being upset with someone who loves me and I love them. Its really ludicrous when you think about it.
Words to live by: If you mad      
1). If you mad at someone (especially Wardy) get over or get out of my life
2). If you crying, go to a funeral home, because we alive and moving forward here....Buckkk up sucka
3). If you say something- think b4 you speak and mean what you say....
4). If you love me don't just say it, freaking show it.
5). If you want to please me , ask me what I like and I will tell you. Doing things you think I like, might just be a waist of your time and more importantly......MINE!

I am Ward......

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Found a woman on Instagram who made me say "thatz what I'm talking bout"!

Not only was this tattooed vixen pensive with her words, but she seems to have figured out men! This is what she posted on instagram.......

"Don't be the woman that needs a man, be the woman that a man needs. Being a woman is a blessing, we can both strong and gentle. Men want to come home to a house of tranquility. A home should be where a man can escape all the madness and chaos. Feels great to be a rock to a King! Ladies even the strongest and toughest men need love too. Trust me, if you cater to your  man when he gets home instead of interrogating him, he'd be home more often. When he comes home take off his shoes, massage his back, run his bath water. Ask him how was his day, make him laugh. Maybe that was the only time he laughed all day, you never know. Make his day better doesn't hurt to try"

I am not crazy, I know this is not reality for everyman. We must earn this from the woman we choose to spend the rest of our lives with. There will be good day and bad days but for better or worse, when you got a solider on your team like this girl who penned the above (Tattedupholly@instagram), love will conqurer all. Ya feelz me. 
Eye would like to add that if you want a great relationship, then talk more about things that will be moving your relationship moving 4 ward, and speak less about the things that are already in the past and can not be changed.

I am Ward....

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I have a Ideal........trick a dream!

O.k. I got the day off work Monday because it was Martin Luther King day. True, I don't celebrate worldly holidays and to make things more intricate, I had to use my own freaking PTO, what up with that ????? Any-who, some co-workers of mine got into a light weight discussion about the flyers that was circulating around the webb about parties and using Martin's likeness.
I, personally, didn't see anything wrong with it because its all done in some sort of remembrance from somebody's perspective. One co-worker stated that when white people make fun of people in magazines like the New Yorker, its called satire and its socially acceptable! Thinking about it, I must agree because they pretty much go there and no one complains. Another co-worker said she was offended at the pics (see above) because he 11 year old son is impressionable and she didn't want him to get it twisted about Martin meant to society!!!! I chimmed in about how I speak to my kids about the realities of life. I never sugar coat the truth, I told them that King did some great and well needed things for Americans, but he wasn't perfect (like all of us) by far. Most people are well aware that Brother King had 4 or 5 women in rotation, but seldom want to admit it. King is widely remembered for his " I have a dream "speech, but what most don't know is that he made a fatal error much like Moses did in the scriptures. He failed to give God the glory. See Martin had a dream, but our creator has a well detailed plan that can't be altered, stopped or changed. Moses gave the Isralites water and said it was from him and he didn't get to see the promised land. Nevertheless, that doesn't take away from what the  brother did, because nobody else other than Malcolm, was even trying to make a move to representing equality.
Looking at it from my POV, clothes don't make a person, but his character does! Martin eluded to that. True, we need to dress professional for a job interview, but we can chill when off work and still  be a King or Queen in socitey. Heck, who would ever have thoguth we would have a president playing basketball at the white house with his boys? I don't think seeing King in a t-shirt with a gold chain is gonna make people think he couldn't be a leader. I don't think Jesus work Versace and he still has millions of followers! I think we have to accept that life changes daily and everyday is training day! It is what it is and I just see why some people are offended by others. I do respect all views, but just don't always agree......
I am Ward...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Wardy's tipsy on organization.......

According to Apartment Therapy, incorporating these 9 things into your schedule will help you stay organized.  I, for one, think I do a pretty good job on most days.  I can be messy and sometimes very cluttered but never dirty sucka.  I do my best to put items back where I got them and not procrastinate, but it's so easy to slip back into your normal routine especially when you live with someone who is not on your page......Read on my brutha

1. Getting Ready The Night Before: This is something I've already gotten the hang of doing for the past few years.  It makes mornings less frantic.  When you wake up and you only have the small things to worry about and you don't have to rush to get ready. I can't help the fact that the water takes so long in the mourning to heat up, but it doesn't slow me down.

2. Open Mail Over Da Trash Can: This step helps decrease wastea nd mess right away.  Instead of setting aside a day or a time for clearing away your junk mail, organize it as soon as you get it. Sort it out and keep what's important instead of trying to conquer that big pile that you've let accumulate over the week/s.  By opening your mail this way you toss out the junk and keep the important stuff.

3. Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Don't overwhelm yourself with a large project all at once.  Spread it out over any length of time you choose. If you need to clean out the attack, start in one corner or with one box.  Complete your task in small sections.  Before you know it, you'll be finished, but I just like to knock it out and be done with it, but that's just me.
4. Write it down: This is something that I do consistently.  I have a bunch of different ideas and thoughts going on in my head and writing them out relieves me but it also makes ideas more clear to me. I also have a voice recorder and its really good, but I keep loosing it-lol!

5. Time Out: Set a timer for 60-75 minutes and clean what you can in that amount of time each day.  I clean to the TV on a music channel. 

6. Give it up: When ever you come across an item you don't use, put it in an "junk" when the box gets full donate the contents of it.

7. Put it away now: Don't wait to do it later.  Everything should have its place and when you're finished with it PUT IT BACK where you got it fromThe bible says its a time for everything too!

8. Set Goals: Write goals down on index cards and arrange them in order of importance. At the top of each card, write down a deadline. (A realistic one.) Make sure to break them (your goals) down into mini goals and schedule time to achieve them.

9. Play Cards: Write down household tasks on index cards and pick one each day;. make this your daily task. Also, ensure to include a "free day" on one of the index cards.  When the deck is finished, start over :-)

Of course, no organizational list will work for everyone, but this is what is working for me.
I am Ward.......

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Does God Take Sides in Sports?

A VICTORIOUS runner kneels and gestures in a prayerful way, giving thanks for her accomplishment. Yet, we must assume that some of the other runners in the contest also prayed to God for victory—and lost.
Two boxers kneel in opposite corners of a boxing ring before the first round of their bout. Both make the sign of the cross, a form of silent prayer to God for success. Then one knocks the other out. At other bouts, only one fighter may petition God for victory, yet he is as often the loser as not.
In team sports, groups of players may pray before, during, or even after a game. For example, during the last seconds of an American Super Bowl football game, a kicker lined up for the crucial field goal that would win the game for his team or lose it if he missed. The kicker later said: “I was praying about it.” But some of the opposing team were also praying about it—for the opposite outcome.
Although both sides may pray, one side must lose. Even a winning team whose players prayed for victory can lose the next game. Indeed, eventually, by the end of the season, all other teams must lose, for there can be only one overall champion in a league. Yet, most of those losing teams had players who prayed for victory.
In an article entitled “Save Your Prayers, Please,” a sports columnist wrote: “Just because you rant and rave about how tight you are with God, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. . . . In World War II, German soldiers had a phrase inscribed on their belt buckle: Gott mit uns. The translation: ‘God is with us.’” Another sportswriter observed: “God does not take sides in football games. Temporal matters like these are decided by men and women, not the Almighty.”
The apostle Peter said: “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” Engaging in violent sports is not ‘working righteousness.
  If God did hear the prayers of those asking for victory and a contestant was injured or even killed, would God be to blame?
God’s Word states: “No matter what it is that we ask according to his will, he hears us.” For prayers to be answered, one must know God’s will and purposes, and one’s actions must be in harmony with such.—
No, God’s will and purposes are not connected with sports events. Thus, when prayers for victory are offered at them, is God listening?
Well according to most people, the answer is clear as mud, but why? I guess it is what it is, but I know i love the Miami Heat basketball team, but win or loose    WARDY won't pray for them!!!!
I am ward.........

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Getting to know my self......

I once heard that the more I read, the more I know, and more I know-the more....the more I realize that I need to know more! Sure I enjoy reading, especially things that inspire, insight and ignite a desire in me to become a better me. For example, its true that every 7 years people change from who they once were. The things we once thought were important or unimportant suddenly switch. In fact, if a person goes thru life and doesn't have a change of heart, I quite frankly feel something is very wrong with them. I use to think that if people worked really hard, they would get a great position at work and reap the rewards of the efforts. 7 years quietly showed me that people get promoted from who they know, back stabbing, lying and doing things that most people only see on television. Fast forward to 2014 and my views are much more simplistic. "Work is what I do, not who I am".
Situation #2. The need for speed no longer is paramount for me. Most people who really know me can testify that love foreign fast cars. Its something about the look-feel-and taste of the uniqueness that no other has. I find myself enjoying driving the speed limit with my seat belt securely in place. I find that I don't enjoy riding with others who take life for granted by not paying attention to the 3,000 lb vehicle they are driving because they have to text and drive or be deeply committed to road rage. Call me crazy, but life is very short and never guaranteed for tomorrow. I work in a state of art hospital and see a plethora of sick people on a daily basis. I learned that the one thing you can't buy in life........ is time on this earth. I am learning to control what I can and not worrying about what is out of my hand.
Finally, I am struggling with being surrounded with negativity. I know we all will have our moments, but I have to ask "What makes me different from the next person?" I have two goals that I am currently working on......1). Hustle until I no longer have to introduce my self to strangers and 2). Being  a catalyst to those who I come in contact with- by displaying a positive attitude and strong desire to do something good daily.
As I stated, I am getting to know my self, and I must say its been quite a ride. I am a lot like the the people I like and a lot like the person I pretend to be.
i am Ward.....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...