The other day I have a rather lively discussion with my homeboy about how to dress for a job interview. He (let's call him Randon) stated how he could make any combo of clothing work for the job interview, especially jeans! Now its important that we keep in mind that I have had 100's of jobs and one of my favz was that of a career coach (helping people prepare for and find careers in a challenged job market). I entertained this gooobadegoup for a few moments until I realized he was quite serious. So eye switched gears and tried to make a clear point.
I inquired of Randon, if he was going to meet President Obama would he wear jeans? Do you know he said he would!!!! He went as far as trying to get others to chime in on his monolithic view point. Nobody agreed with the poor lad, but I give him props for standing firm in what he felt was correct. The conversation continued on for sometime until I made my tie in point, of the jeans in worship.
As a person who has been trying and falling down many a times on the path of being Christian, I can honestly say that RESPECT is the least you owe the GOD you claim to serve! Most people want to put their best on when going on a 1st date, job interview, funerals,wedding and going to Worship serve. I especially say Worship because all of the good things that we receive, it is only fitting that we can dress up to show the importance of the fact that you are alive and present. Now I know some are going to say but the Bible says come as you are. But does it really say that? If you think so, then you are one of those lost souls who think Eve gave Adam an Apple to eat too! I looked up a random site on the internet and found that the statement "Come as you are" is not a Biblical statement and that many people erroneously quote it often to fit their needs and bring that almighty dollar to the church! Why else would that statement become so popular?
(((“Come as you are” is sometimes misunderstood and misapplied in today's church. Those churches which are identified with the Emerging/Emergent Church or Hipster movements, among others, sometimes take the grace of God and turn it into licentiousness (Jude 4) by teaching that it makes no difference how you live, as long as you believe. If you come to Christ in an illicit relationship, they say Christ will accept you just as you are and sanctify that relationship. If you come to Christ as someone who enjoys the night life, you can continue those things, and use them to “reach others for Christ.” This may be a popular message, but it directly contradicts Scripture which clearly says that these things from our past lives should be left behind and that our former friends will think us strange for doing so (1 Peter 4:3-4). Romans 13:13 commands us to walk honestly, or decently, no longer participating in the licentious lifestyle of the world. Galatians 5:13 says that we are called to liberty, but that we cannot use liberty “for an occasion to the flesh,” excusing our continued sins.)))...
Now I don't want to get to deep and off subject, but eye will say this. Jesus didn't want to be made a King when asked while he was on Earth did he? He said his kingdom was no part of this world. Did you also notice that Jesus didn't have to act like a hip hopster or be accused of being an out dated thinker because he chose to respect GOD. I clearly understand the benefits of change but the God we serve is still the same. He only asks that we give him our best because he gave us his best (Jesus died for our sins). So is dressing up to serve him too much to ask? True every man/woman don't have the best of clothing, but what ever your best is, wear it proudly. Recall the poor lady who only had 2 cents for her worship offering? She gave her all and her best and was blessed by God himself! If you disagree, by all means continue to dress like the world does at a nice strip club or dinner outing with co-workers you don't even like- if that works for you. But if you ever wake up and realize that the church is loosing it grip on parishioners because they don't have God's spirit, then I hope you learn to adapt to the void, while you are trapped in eternal darkness suckers.
In closing, we all have to make the truth our own! So many stories in the Bible speak of how others were unable to follow the leadership of the Elders and how well it DIDN'T turn out. Change is good, but God has a plan. You can get with this or you can get dealt with on that.....
I am Ward.......
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