Monday, September 23, 2013

Question: What things could you do, if fear wasn't a part of your life?

As a kid, I use to think that grown-ups had all the answers and how I couldn’t wait to know everything myself! Well, like most adults, I found out that life is a form of learning on the job un-winnable, test with multiple correct answer and incorrect answers-lol! I also realized that fear of the unknown or doing something new keeps people from being the best them they can and should be.  A recent goal I set for me and my family is being conscious of un-training the elephant.  Let me explain what that means: They say Elephants never 4 get things they learn. Usually this can be a good thing, but not always, especially when it comes to change. I entitled this blog this way because I have my moments of doubt, fear and insecurities when it comes to thy self.  Heck we all do if we are being honest with ourselves.

Most people who know me will be quick to tell you that I enjoy public speaking. Ironically, I have not always been that way! I would get so nervous when asked to speak but after being a substitute teacher in some of the roughest school Indianapolis has to offer no only forced me speak often but actually start to enjoy doing it. I had to accept that it is a part of life and its natural. The key for me, was knowing that failing to prepare for anything is really planning to fail at the task. I began to read things of interest such as the Bible, Relationship books, Journals and strange news stories on the web. I read about an African American male who is in the 8th grade has earned 6 figures from the stock market because he immolated his mother who vowed to never be broke again! I read about how a man left his secure job at IBM to pursue a career as comedian (yeah he rich) and I even found out how Stella got her groove back. The thing all these people have in common is they were all in uncharted territories of their lives, but they looked/pushed past the fear and made it happen! We don’t have to have all the answers in life; we just need to know where to find them.

Man wasn’t born with a spirit of fear was he not? Any new parent can quickly tell you how you must keep your eye on a kid who is learning how to walk. Them suckers will pull up on anything with in hand reach distance and we are not gonna talk about what they will put in they mouths! So it seems when it comes to fear, we are taught like that elephant was. If we live in the hood, we are taught we are not suppose 2 walk in affluent neighborhoods. If we don’t have a college degree, we are taught we shouldn’t apply for leadership positions and if we are African American/Latino we can never be President of the U.S.A either?????  Whatever we need to do, May it be, losing weight, getting married, learning to cook or searching 4 the true God: Wardy advises this:  Stop being afraid of change and put on your big girl panties and go out there and show the world why you deserve to be fear free in 2013 and beyond.
I Am Ward......

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Please ((((WHOOOP)))) yo kids......or let me!

O.k. let me get str8ight to this one. I was in the store just the other freaking day, and I saw this little girl. No wait.....hold up, let me keep it 100 with yall. This little fat white chick looking like honey boo boo's 14th cousin twice removed, was in the store pitching a fit. Her mother asked her to simmer down ( I think that means calm down) and stop making a scene. Little honey boo boo jr got louder!!! That's when I turned around because I had this feeling that this was about to get real. Fast forward, the kids starts screaming at he momz and telling her she was gonna kill her and how much she hates her! I dang near fell on the floor with shock. The mother locked eyes with me ( Probably because my mouth was open and my eyes were wide as saucers) as if to say "Help me Mr. Ward".
Yeah I wanted to help her too, because I have seen this episode many a times and eye knows what to do. Let me tell you step by step. Read slow cuz this is real spit I am giving ya lol! 1). when the kid acts out for the first time, u the parent, must stay calm and say "Don't make me punch you in the throat Jamaal. 2). The kid will ignore this, but have no fear. You must not only fulfill the promise of the threat, you must take it one step further. Put that little tax exemption in a head lock and run his head into the nearest wall. Then say something that rhymes with your name for a good measure. 3) If the kid is black, this will scare him str8ight and the activity will cease until they think you ain't crazy no more! If the kid is white, its a good chance they will threaten to call the cops on you. Don't give in. Just dial 1-800-WhooPyoKid! Punch option 3 for send a big black man asap! I suggest Mandingo (He scares me) and he will arrive with a cube on his phone to take your Visa payment (Business 1st) then he will proceed to whoop your kids Assteroid to inch of his life. Trust me, it sounds bad, but worth the price.  Problem solved
I wanted to call for my neighbor the other day because I watched his kid cuss him out because he didn't want to come in from the rain. This has really got to stop people. I don't condone beating good kids, but the bad onez are the future......that is future criminals. Think about Micheal Jackson's daddy. He had to whoop a whole gang of kids and they some how survived and ended up rich! $$ isn't everything, but for a few million, I think I could have taken an extra punch or two!
Bottom line: If I see kids acting up one more gin in public.......I'm got to do what I'm got to do (in my old man voice). Look at the picture above and say "children are the future".....
I am WaRd.......

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ward asks: Are there any Logical females out thurrrrr?

I enjoy people watching, Yeah I said it! Notice I didn't say "people judging"? By far my favorite creatures to watch are the elusive female! I think I like them so much because of their unpredictability and illogical actions at times. I personally take offense when I can't get a Yes or No question answered with a Yes or No response. Apparently I am not the only one who feels this way, many of the men I know say its an issue for them too. Seems like the chick likes to "OVER EXPLAIN" everything to death. For example, say you ask you chick did you break your clock radio? Seems like a simple question right? WRONG SUCKERS! This response usually gets something like "Well you left the clock by the trash can in the laundry room, even though it was plugged in and I know you use it daily, I felt like you no longer wanted it because the phone rang when you was watching the Money Mayweather fight, and you said hello to the guy on the other end and told him that your old alarm clock was buzzing last night, so I figured you wanted me to throw it away?"
I am sure this makes sense to a female, but not to a dude. Just answer the question so I can move on with life and go get another one. GEESH....
Sometimes the female can get jealous of the smallest of things. I am unsure if its a lack of attention from the guy they love or are they just feeling some kind of way???? I know of women who get mad cause they guy watches 8 hours of football, spends to much time on Instagram or calls her on her flip flopping conversations. Perhaps this is what keeps couples togeather. Ya know, the never knowing of what, when , where or why! The ironic thing about it is, that most couples don't start out this way. Usually, it involves talking on the phone for hours at time, or you at his house or he is at yours. U just cant get enough of each other company, conversation and bodies!!!! Then something magical happens when  feelings get caught, the scenario changes. The ones you love, tend to be the ones whom hates you the most, by their actions and words. Logically speaking, one would think that to keep your relationship strong would require you to do what your mates likes and stop doing the things they don't like. Either, I am a genius or that is some simple logic!
As I told you, I enjoy watching women because of the messages I get to decode. I think the logic doesn't last due to women thinking since a dude loves her, then he must surely accept her for who she is ready to reveal to him. Maybe when y'all met she had long hair, in a style that you enjoyed, but now its different because she changed her mind. Or maybe she used to work out with you, but now she doesn't want to sweat her hair out because she got you sucker-lol! This is what they call the womenz prerogative to change her mind.  Again, the dude is suppose to love the female is her hair is long or short and love her skinny or fat. From a male perspective that thinking is the same as buying a cat and expecting it to bark like a dog? Why not just buy a dog that acts like a dog?????
This is what men want....
  • A soldier/ride or die chick, that respects him and places nobody else above him but God
  • Someone he finds interesting, attractive and easy to love
  • A mild tempered chick who wins thru actions and never arguments
  • A spiritual minded woman who wants to be a compliment
  • Someone who can add value to his life, as a cook, lover and friend
  • A team mate who knows her role and makes her dude boast about her to his boyz
Let's face it. Relationships come and grow, but one thing they all do is this. Either the couple grow togeather or grow apart!
I am Ward....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All this N Freakin Indiana......

Waitresses may not carry drinks into a restaurant or bar.
Hotel sheets must be exactly 99 inches long and 81 inches wide.
If any person has a puppet show, wire dancing or tumbling act in the state of Indiana and receives money for it, they will be fined $3 under the Act to Prevent Certain Immoral Practices.
Anyone 14 or older who profanely curses, damns or swears by the name of God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, shall be fined one to three dollars for each offense, with a maximum fine of ten dollars per day.
A three dollar fine per pack will be imposed on anyone playing cards in Indiana under the Act for the Prevention of Gaming.
The value of Pi is 3.
Baths may not be taken between the months of October and March.
Check forgery can be punished with public flogging up to 100 stripes.
Mustaches are illegal if the bearer has a tendency to habitually kiss other humans.
It is illegal to sell cars on Sunday.
Pedestrians crossing the highway at night are prohibited from wearing tail lights.
Oral sex is illegal.
No one may catch a fish with his bare hands.
A man over the age of 18 may be arrested for statutory rape if the passenger in his car is not wearing her socks and shoes, and is under the age of 17.
Men are prohibited from standing in a bar.
It is against the law to pass a horse on the street.
You are not allowed to carry a cocktail from the bar to a table.
It is illegal for a liquor store to sell cold soft drinks.
Drinks on the house are illegal.
Some employees have to sign the board to leave the room
I am Ward.....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...