Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ward Reasons why Love can be hard.....

Luv is a wonderful thing....................ummm in the beginning anyway. Really, when you take time to think about it, who really wakes up and says today I am gonna go out and find my soul mate and fall madly in love with this sucka? (Let me add that now that I think about it, there are some people out there who actully do this, but 4 all practical purposes I am not talking to yall- only the normal people-lol). I feel that love just happens when you least expect it. Maybe that is one of the reasons Love can be so hard???? I speak of Love as being hard because, I know of a lot of couples who are hurting, fighting, separated, cheating, beating and thinking about leaving each other on the daily and it pains me personally. I recall when I divorced my ex-wife I had mixed emotions for months on staying verses leaving. I knew that the respect, love and freindship had long packed its Gucci bags from the relationship, but I didn't want the kids to get hurt, so manned up and I had to accept the fact that, we are on this big blue marble for a limited amount of time. I did not want spend what unknown amount of life I had left living in mysery and making someone else's life the same. So I lurched (busted a move-dipped from the spot-left sucka) out! Went down 2 da court house and got my self some peace of mind. Like many others who made the same move, it is embarssing because others see you as a failure, someone who could not live up to their marital vowes or a quitter. Perhaps those things are true, but we can judge others least we be perfect our dang selves. Love is hard because it makes you happen and at the next moment it can make you sad for the same reasons at the same dang time! The person you love talking to, being around and sharing memeories with can really make you think about your life and how it could have been if you two had never met!!! Love is hard when its no longer patient and forgiving. We have to allow others to feel and think differently from us-right? Love is hard because when we argue we forget that we are just having a disagreement and not going to war! Love is hard because we expect perfection from imperfection. Love is hard because we sabatoge our relationship by getting on our mates nerves, even after they have consistiently told us they don't like how we are making them feel. Love is hard because we justify our actions rather then correcting them? Saying sorry is a cheap way out of a mistake because it doesn't cost you anything to say it= empress me and stop doing what you are doing to make me not like you! Love is hard because our friends and family R always up in da bizness (knowing good and well they situation is broke too). Love is hard because people seldom take time to stop and do a self check fool! What can I do better to make this thang work? Love is hard because we put God on the back burner until we have ignored everything he warned us about and then go running back saying "What had happend was" or "One time @ band camp I", well you get my point. Finally, love is hard because we make it that way. I am Ward...

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