The question of the week. Well here is your answer, it is soooo hard for you to get over your ex because you are too caught up in the past and “what used to be”. It’s just that simple, right?
Of course not silly person, relationships are never that easy. At least you realized that it’s hard for you to get over him/her, that’s the first step. Now say “My name is (insert name) and I’m a exaholic”, hahahhaa just kidding.
At this point you need to forget all good times because if that’s all you remember, that’s all you’re gonna want. Remembering your first date and what you two did on on that Cedar point trip or the first meeting at the Dairy Queen is not gonna help your situation. You have to cut off all ties meaning no calls, no texts, no hookups and do not, I repeat do not keep any of his/her belongings. Never go and try to get your belongings back. That can only cause trouble, either an argument or a hook up and at that point it’s like choosing between getting beat up or shot. No good outcome possible. Next , just hang out with your friends and move on. Go to the hall and have some you time then when you are ready and try to meet someone new, actually meet a couple new people but stay in groups to prevent bad thangs from happening.
If this person ever pops up in your life again, just remember all the bad times; that will definitely buy you a ticket on the plane to getting over your ex, first class to be exact. Lastly, remember that this person was once your best friend, was always there, and knows everything about you soooo of course getting over him/her is hard but not impossible. Other wise you can always stay with your ex and hope that the old saying of doing the same old thing and expecting something different to happen is LUDICROUS- Never mind its true, just make a move and be prepared for what may come....
I am Ward