Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
It must be "HIS" fault........ or so she thinks!

You have been unhappy with your marriage for years. And for the last two or three years you have been thinking about divorce, even fantasizing what life would be like if you were free. You have distanced from your spouse and have been in separate bedrooms for a year. Although there is civil dialogue between you there is no warmth and an occasional flare-up in which whatever the issue, it gets pushed down rather than resolved. For the past year the only thing that has held you in the marriage is your guilt about the children but you have been working on that with self reasoning skills-lol!. And you have finally reached a decision. Even with all its disadvantages and all the concerns and problems it will cause you have determined to get a divorce. So now all that is left is to tell your spouse.
Sometimes that is easier said than done. Studies show that 75% of all divorces are generated from the woman and the men are totally caught off guard. Nevertheless, others tend to think the male must be at fault if the situation goes bad. Perhaps that may be the case, but then again, no two couples are ever really alike are they? I think one crucial point that on lookers conveniently omit when a couple has decided to call it quits...is the origins of marriage itself. (Some are gonna say that Bible knowledge is not common), but how hard is it to open a freaking Bible and read the first book and find the requirements?
From what I read, it says the man, Adam, was created 1st and was given a help mate, Eve, to help him carry out his assignments given by God. Well, we all somehow know how that scenario turned out after she came into his peaceful life. Seems like every since then, women have been wanting to take another role other than the man's compliment. I have no issues with a career woman, but why get married if you feel that way? True enough, men are not suppose to mistreat his wife, but she has role to play of being "easy to love" according to the scriptures. But what does that mean? Well I encourage you to Google that for your self. (hint:Proverbs Chapter 31) I know a couple who truly love each other and how they get along wonderfully. They have issues at times, but they way they attack the problems and not each other....it is inspiring. I am not oblivious to the fact that many men don't handle their business in a relationship like they should, but when one is on point, its sad that the fruit will only be realized when its too late.
Being the head of the house is the hardest position in the world, because you are the responsible person for everyone under your care. This requires the man to be knowledgeable and dwell according to accurate knowledge of his mate, leading by example and always showing and telling his mate how valuable she is to him and the team. Most men find this challenging because many so called modern women are ready to argue, quick to challenge and ready to use their emotions for evil! Final point, if an employer hires a very qualified candidate to fulfill a vacant position in the company, would it be expected that the person hired actually help the company run better then before they were hired? Exactly......
All I know is that Women are crazy and Men didn't have nothing 2 do with that. Ask Adam from the Bible suckers....
I am Ward....
Monday, February 20, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Whitney Houston........Wardy's thoughts......

It is always sad when we hear that loved ones have lost someone close to them. It seems to be especially hard when its a celebrity. Recently the world lost yet another one of its voices. In fact the last couple of years it seems like the closer stars get to the age of 50 the quicker they die. This really started me to thinking about things, so take this trip from my perspective and see what ya thank. ( Please note that I am far far far far from perfect my dang self, so just read what I am writing and take it for that)
One thing that stands out to me about the world's view point about Whitney is this.... 4 or 5 days before her death she was acting out pretty bad. She was clubbing all through the week, hair dripping wet from sweat, getting high and drunk with her 17 year old daughter (great example- MOM) and trying to fight an up and coming singer over Ray J? (((I said Ray J......)))are you for real??? No body tried to help this woman because all we remember is that she was on t.v. saying "Crack is Whack and Bobby Brown is the King of R&B). If that ain't ever a cry for help. The woman was spinning out of control to the point that she was quoted again talking about how her and (EX) Bobby Brown use to purchase KILOS of cocaine (ya-yo, archie bunker, powder, smack or blue magic)at a time. Was she trying to kill her self then too? The sad thing is*** her mom and family tried to do interventions but they got shut off by her and now her momz is gonna get custody of Bobbi Kristina to keep her from drugs? How the freak she gonna stop a teen-ager who already been in rehab thrice from future drug when she couldn't keep her own daughter from them when they were both younger?????
Again, I am not judging, rather acknowledging the facts. So many people were said to be at her funeral or should eye say grasping the reality of it, but I didn't watch or listen because from my perspective, you can't be crack head today and die and then be the hero for the future the next day. She had an addiction that she choose to do unto her self. Yes I said it, Whitney was a crack head alcoholic. She had fortune and fame and often spoke of Jesus, but did everything opposite of what he instructed his followers to do, is that ironic or what?
Now everybody all mad at Bobby Brown for acting ugly at the funeral by bringing 9 people to an invitation only funeral. UGGGHHH, HELLO! Did yall forget that he was half of the "dynamic crack duo" of Bobby and Whitney!!!! What else did yall expect from him. Now that I am thinking, does anybody remember that show called "Being Bobby Brown". We all thought
Perhaps I am a hater because of the treatment celebrities receive just because they was good at something. Then the masses get mad at people like me who tell it like it is, huh! I recall last week watching how her life was spiraling further out of control and no one seemingly helping her! You know yall saw her legs bleeding as she left da clubb that night! My Uncle Moosey died of an cocaine over dose and all he got was a pine box and a few quick tears. Heck Micheal Jackson got the biggest funeral I seen in a while and Whitney came in close 3rd. Princess Diana was number 2!
I was once encouraged to pursue my comedy in Hollywood, but I know Wardy and I do a lot of things wrong, but chasing the Devil's world to fame & fortune is tooo high of a price for me. I am closer to 50 than I am to 20, and you know what that means-lol! Seems like once you start something, you have to keep up the appearances. Whether it is wearing make up, getting a weave, looking younger (face lift) or selling records. Once you fall off then I guess you ain't new no more and nobody wants to hear about you again until you dead. Gladys Knight said that the world makes the celebrities feel like Gods and then condemns them for being human when they can't live up the hype. The saddest thing about it all.....All the Ballers that go broke and celebrities that die all have one thing in common. The may claim to know God, but they really don't do what he asked of them based off of their choices and goals in life.
Nobody was talking about Heavy D until he recently fell asleep in sleep- now were they? I guess, Left Eye, Tupac, Big, MJ, James Brown, Luther, Bernie Mac, Whitney, Tina Marie, Rick James and Charlie Sheen (wait he ain't gonna die until later this summer.... my bad)all reached the fame game heights and partook of its fruits and now they all singing the RIP melody.
Point: Realize we only on this blue Marble for a short period of time, its very important how we use that time, cause when you dead and gone all they can do is (((reminisce))) of over you..... Well I gotta get ready to watch the body guard, the preachers wife and waiting to exhale-heck ain't nothing else on or until the next celebrity dies.....
I am Ward....
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Key 2 Konfidence.......

“Sometimes you have to let everything go – purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything – whatever is bringing you down – get rid of it. Because you will find that when you are free, your true creativity, your true self comes out.”
~ Tina Turner
At least that is 1 woman's view point on the matter and as much as I hate to admit it, I agree with her. I spoke to a co-worker the other day and they shared with me that they sometimes feel less than confident. I was truly surprised especially due to the image that the person gives off. I began to think that others may very well feel the same. But "WHY" I ask myself? Hummmmmm
I soon came to realize that we all have fears and personal insecurities for what ever reason/s. I also feel that the difference betwix some letting their fears and doubts hold them back and some one who soars like an Eagle....is they are both scard, but the one who soars does what needed to be done and thought about their fears when the soaring was done. What if Thomas Edison had gave up on the light bulb, what if Garret Morris rejected Peanuts and what if Obama never ran for President of America? Were they sure they could be successful, perhaps....but look at the results they left behind!
Wardy advice in 5-4-3-2-1
1. Face your fears – I promise you, they aren’t as bad as you think. When you face your fears, dead on, your confidence will increase. It will take you out of your comfort zone, but it will make you believe in yourself.
2. Forget your failures - If you’ve failed, I always say, never ignore the message. There’s no future in the past. Mistakes are made all the time, but you must always learn from them. When you don’t ignore the message, you learn, and when you learn, you grow. When you grow, your confidence grows and you’re then able to make better decisions, more sound decisions (presumably-lo).
3. Know what you want and never be afraid to ask for it. You always hear this in sex talk– “Tell your partner how you like it, and don’t be afraid to speak up.” It’s also true in life. When you ask for what you need, you instantly feel more assertive and confident. Everyone deserves to have their dreams come true. Why shouldn’t you try to make that happen?
4. Dive into something you’re passionate about. Once you increase your confidence, make a list of 3 things you hope to accomplish in the next 6 months. Try and work towards those goals, bit by bit each day. You should feel like you’ve contributed, and done something of impact at the end of a day. Not just like you simply went through the motions, yet another day.
5. Celebrate Milestones! – When you’ve achieved one of your goals, it’s cause for celebration! Break out some grape soda or whatever you drink, a lunch date with some girlfriends, a massage, a romantic date with yo Boo! Successes are meant to be soaked up and enjoyed.
6. Most importantly, Keep God 1st in your life and watch how all other things will be added unto you suckers......
So my peoplez, I often ask you to make a commitment to yourself. I talk about how we all deserve to be happy. We do! But you also should think about how you’re going to better yourself, and become a person of action. I have made a commitment to improving my lot in life by my words, actions and deeds . What’s your commitment?
I am Ward......
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Life is.....

Sometimes I feel like the world revolves around what others are doing? I personally don't subscribe to this mentality. I am a firm believer of walking alone as the late Bernie Mac use to say. Realizing that we have to share the planet with many others who don't always see reality from my perspective. I can deal with that, but 4 the life of me I can't understand why others want to slow my show.
Let me break this down. I am my own brand! I don't have to wear Levi's, Gucci or Tommy in order to feel good. I put WARD on my car, my shirt and my own back. I am the name... and I live.... and love it! People often ask me why do I always promote myself. As I am thinking, "Y do you care", I often respond because ""I am Ward""" suckers and life is.....
I am Ward
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