It's hard enough 2 comfort some1 who is suffering (eye know I had my fair share). Its waayyyyy harder when u caused the pain! We all make mistakes, but we don't all know how t apologize like a "G". I mean peep this, when people are in court and they say sorry for what they did, they end up getting less time then the dummies who choose to play all hard and what not!
This is what Wardy suggests. If you hurt someone, try these smart tips:
*1st, find out what actually happened as a result of your error. Don't assume right away that you are either at fault or not at fault. Don't under react or overreact. Just be cool for a minute. Think What what Wardy Do?
*Determine how much responsibility you have in this situation.
*Apologize in person. if you just can't face it, do it by phone or a hand written note. Get the note to the person right away. Time is important. I mean, what if they get hit by a bus cuz you was lolly gagging around the dollar store with the note in your front pocket????? Geeesh.....
*Ask but don't beg to be 4given. Ask for forgiveness to come later if the person seems very hurt.
*Find out if you can do anything you can do to repair the damage.
*Wait and let time do some of the healing. Don't keep apologizing, but do show that you have not forgotten what you regretfully did.
*Never make that mistake again.
The older I am getting- the more I realize that adults are more like kids and kids are more like adults should be. When my kids have a squabble they let it go with in a few minutes it is all good again. When I, on the other hand, have a squabble it is very often the end of a relationship, friendship or family-ships (I think that is a word but if it ain't it should be). I ain't got time to be thinking crazy cuz i am too busy thinking about my Bacon!
I am Ward......
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