Sunday, July 31, 2011

7 Thangs Ward wishes women know about the Man!!!

1. All guys want this gift
The little boy inside of all us men always loves something video game related. I think getting the complete boot leg wii game hook up is a perfect gift 4 yo dude!
2. They believe in love (or at least, lust) at first sight. Sometimes, the image fits the expectations. I admit its a long shot, but if you see what you like then the rest sometime is easy to deal with, cuz we all know that women are crazy!!!
3. A woman who has her own thing going on is so sexy, I’m completely ecstatic when a woman has own back story and brings something to the table and has a real strong kind of independence. Needy people are.....well needy!
4. Men folk crave romance too-Truth be told, some of our favorite moments [are when] you say, “I booked a dinner for us. At a restaurant near the hood spots. With candles.” We’re just not going to brag about it and we might call it cheesy to our friends, but we really like it.
5. Do this when they cry
Here’s the big reveal: when your guy is crying (and yes, all men cry), give him chocolate.
6. There’s nothing worse than not speaking up when something bothers you
You’ve gotta share what’s going on in your mind. You may think, ‘He already has so much on your mind, I don’t want to burden him’, but that’s not good for a relationship. Just freaking tell us.....
7. A bad joke is the best way to pick up a guy-Nothing is a better icebreaker than a great joke. And even if it bombs to the Nth degree, we’ll still love it. In fact, you almost don’t want the joke to work. That way we want to come to your aid and make you feel better by buying you a drink.

I am WaRD......

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Relationships are not hard....people make them that way.....This is actualy verbage from my book, so you should be greatful to sample this....

"We're like ships passing in the night, he goes his way and I go mine."

"My husband has become a stranger to me, I don't even know who he is anymore."

"He doesn't show any interest in me or what I do."

Women tend to be more concerned about their marriages than men (most of the time, but we know the exceptions). They buy most of the books on marriage to try to improve them and initiate most marriage counseling. They often complain about their marriages to their closest friends and sometimes to anyone who will listen. And they also file for divorce twice as often as men.

Why do women seem so dissatisfied with marriage? What do they want from their husbands? What bothers them so much about marriage that most are willing to risk their families' future to escape it?

Why do women leave men?

Each day I meet women who are extremely frustrated with their marriages. They usually express no hope that their husbands will ever understand what it is that frustrates them, let alone change enough to solve the problem. From their perspective, marital problems are created by their husbands who do little or nothing to solve them. Wives tend to see themselves as the major force for resolving conflicts, and when they give up their effort, the marriage is usually over.

I am positive that their husbands or dudes have very different explanations as to why their wives feel the way they do. They often feel that the expectations of women in general, and their wives in particular, have grown completely out of reach. These men, who feel that they've made a gigantic effort to be caring and sensitive to their wives, get no credit whatsoever for their sizeable contribution to the family. They feel under enormous pressure to improve their financial support, improve the way they raise their children, and improve the way they treat their wives. Many men are emotionally exhausted and feel that for all their effort, they get nothing but criticism.

The simpler role of husbands in decades past has now been replaced by a much more complex and confusing role, especially in their relationship with their wives. Some conclude that women are born to complain and men must ignore it to survive. Others feel that women have come to expect so much of men that they are impossible to please, so there's no point in even trying. Very few men, these days, feel that they have learned to become the husbands that their wives have wanted, and the job seems to be getting more and more difficult.
2 be cont....
I am WaRd.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A death in the family leaves a void that cannot be filled. No one can ever take the place of this individual in the world. We should not try to comfort the family by saying that "you will see him/her in the resurrection", or, "he/she was suffering". These may be words of comfort later. However, there must be time to mourn the fact that things will never be the same. One minute he was here and now he is gone. The human mind must be allowed to sit with this reality. Mourning is a necessary part of the human experience. If it is ignored, a general feeling of sadness may pervade the whole family.

This week one of the strongest Witnesses I ever met in my life passed unexpectedly. When I last saw him, he looked so peaceful and happy. I can honestly say that he fought the good fight and people every where can be heard saying "Job well done". One thing I can say about this brotha....he encouraged me to come from the dark side and quite blaming Jehovah for things that went wrong in my past and to be his friend in the present and look 4 ward to the future in paradise. I still can't believe me friend is no longer here.

Revelations 21verse 3/4 is so real.......
I am Ward....

Thursday, July 21, 2011

13 minus 1- Thangz yo woman want in you sucka (da Mannn)

1. Honesty – This is high up on the list and is a must for guys. When I say honest I mean being honest about everything. If your partner asks you ‘Do you like my hair’ a response could be ‘I like it but I preferred it when it was longer.’ When you are honest about everything you will get a reputation for being honest and you will get more respect and gain trust a lot quicker. If you are found out with one lie then the trust will dissappear and it will be hard to gain back.Women can be so unforgiving.
2. To be able to protect – According to the women I have spoken with they want to know their partner will be able to protect them physically in times of danger or trouble. That’s not to say women are weak it’s a security thing and knowing that their partner is capable or willing to protect them at all costs gives women a little more peace of mind.
3. Get up and go-ness – Women don’t like men who have no motivation to do anything with their lives. They want a man who has passion and has goals in life and has got the motivation to follow their dreams. You gotz to be the leader dawg (in my Randy Jackson voice).
4. Belief – Believe in your wife/girlfriend and support and encourage her in everything she does, even if you don't like it.
5. Sense of humour – This one obviously depends on each couple as everybody has a different sense of humour but women like men who can make them laugh. That’s not to say you have to be like Chris Tucker, just someone who has a sense of humour and exercises it often.
6. Reliability – This is another one high up on the list. You’ve got to be reliable if you want your partner to stick with you for the long term. If she has an evening meal planned for you and you promised you’ll be home by 7 and you come strolling in at 8, this is not being reliable. Yes, work is important but more important is the woman who loves you enough to prepare a meal and make an effort on a Friday night. I can't tell you how disappointing it is to cook a meal to hear some1 say I already ate or I am not hungry....
7. Commitment – An absolute must for any long term relationship. If you are not committed then there will always be that little doubt in the back of her mind asking if you are really serious about the relationship, living together is not a commitment sucka.....
8. Respect – There’s no question of this, if you disrespect her you may as well throw the relationship out of the window right now. It’s not only respect for her but it’s respect for yourself as well. If you let people walk all over you then you are not respecting yourself and this is a turn off for women.
9. Attuned to feelings – For the old fashioned man out there one of the main things you were missing was the ability to stay in tune with your partners feelings. If you are attuned to your partner’s feelings then it shows respect, caring and love. That doesn’t mean to say you let them walk all over you it just means you are in touch with her, and you know how to handle the emotions, upsets and excitement etc.
10. Attractiveness – This is something you are born with and it’s also something that is very subjective. Everyone has an attractive feature about them and rest assured someone will be attracted to you because of it. However if you let yourself go and don’t really care about yourself, you’ll be dropped like a hot potato.
11. Assertiveness – Woman can stand up for themselves very well but they still like a man to be assertive as well. Women don’t like weak men, so man up and do what needs to be done.
12. Faithful – Shouldn’t even have to be said here, but so many men think they can get away with being unfaithful and it not affect them. You will never be respected once you’ve been unfaithful and there is absolutely no excuse for it. (well maybe)

I am Ward.....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trying to handle some businessss

O.k. today I went against my better judgment and broke 2 of my rules. 1st I went to a new restaurant for me. I won't say the name because you may want to go there and your experience may be different from mine. I was on lunch break and it was hot so I said what the hey lets hit the spot. I walked in and looked around and everyone was fairly quite and throwing the food down. To me, this is usually a good sign. I order and the lady asked me if I would like some extra hot topping or regular hot? Ummm, I guess I will have to take regular hot and she then said don't worry its not really that hot!
Well I ate the food and even though it wasn't really good, it wasn't really bad either. So after returning back to my cubicle I started getting caught up on my work and then I heard this rumbling sound like a roaring bear was sneaking up from behind me to attack me!!! I looked over my shoulder and guess who was standing there????? You guessed it....It was my stomach making them noises. OBVIOUSLY that lunch didn't like me as much as I didn't want to like it. I sat there thinking OH HECK TO THE NO!!!! I never use public toilets to handle business like this. I then looked over at the clock...... and it spoke to me and said "Don't be no fool "sucka", you got 3 more l-o-n-g hours, now man up and hit the stalls". I think at that moment a tear feel from my eye, as I got up slowly and did the walk of shame toward the mens' room for my (((2nd))) mistake of the day. It seems the closer I got, the farther the room become and the greater the need for me to arrive-lol.
Well I got in and was about to get out when wait! Someone was entering as I was about to exit. I quickly ran back in and sat down quietly. I couldn't let that dude know I was responsible for what had just happened in that bathroom. For Pete's sake man we had to work together and would never look at each the same during our weekly meetings. Can someone tell me why this man stay in the bath room 12 minutes do God only knows. I mean how long did he think I could hold my feet up in the air so he couldn't recognize my shoes???? I think he brushed his teeth, combed his hair (twice) did his taxes for the last three years and called his deaf grand mother---all while I am sitting 3 inches away with my hand on my for heading asking my self why did I have that food for lunch.
Finally he left and I knew I had seconds to make my move before someone else came in the restroom! Heck nobody ever comes in there anyway, but still I lurked out slowly and jetted to my desk. Wheeeww. I made it. Looking back, I think we should install a back door to the restrooms for these type of situations.
I am Ward....

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sucka I know

I know all of your secrets,
I know all of your faults,
I know that you have two left feet,
And that you cannot waltz!

I know the things you're scared of,
I know the things you dream,
I know that you are not as thin,
As photos make you seem!

I know these things about you,
Because you are my best friend,
But don't you worry, I won't tell,
Your secrets I will tend!

I am Ward.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What true love can really mean!

To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little.

To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

I am Ward.......

Sunday, July 3, 2011

U can't keep score sucka....Love is not a game

Don't act like its just me, because we all been there before. I am talking about arguing in silence, critical of your mate, being defensive when its uncalled for, stonewalling or my favorite ((having selective recall for all of ur relationships bad experiences)). Why the freak do couples always have to keep score in the so called name of love. I have heard folk say, "he hits me because he loves me or she wants me to have no interaction with other females because she thinks I may cheat on her.
Normally, I would say this type of behavior is ludicrous to say the least, but since I am looking at things from a new light now a daze, I am gonna entertain this topic for a few paragraphs because its late at night and I am basically here it goes.

I seriously think that love 1 oh 1 should be taught as a regular class in high school be4 any one can graduate. I use to try to tell a work in progress that men and women speak a totally different language. Not being better or worse than the other, just different. With that being said, It never seizes to amaze me how often times, couples say I love you with their words and show I hate you with their actions. I heard the other day that one of the worst things a woman can do is to run to her mama and talk about her dude and they relationship, yet that is what happens everyday in somebody's situation. Dudes ain't no better, we have this great desire to flirt with any thing (o.k. its 2011, let me correct that)any woman with a skirt on.
The real question is why can't we get along with the opposite sex for extended periods of time? I know the simple answer but that is too easy, so let us take the long route. Imagine 4 a moment what it is like when the single happy dude lays his eyes on the woman of his dreams. He wants to whoo her and make her his love child and spoil her with gifts and love 4 ever. How quickly things change after the famous 6 month front is over and the man finds out that the woman isn't really that special she just wants to be treated that way. She talks crazy 2 him when ever she wants to, hits him if she feels the urge, and belittle him when ever she gets the opportunity. Perhaps she does this because the man no longer pursues her with the same intensity, no longer sending flowers for no reason, no longer talking for hours about her day and not feeding her need to hear how pretty and special she is. He no longer values her as a special jewel and she will make him pay for these critical mistakes.
In reality, we are all just dust off the ground and have done nothing special nor perfect in anyway. What we should learn to do is.... get some active listening skills developed rather quickly and then go on and purchase a back bone and man up and realize that we all hurt people and say and do things that are stupid at times. It would also behoov us to stop crying about nothing and ask the all important question of "what do we need to do to get past this problem we are experiencing? This is the start of healing and the end of keeping score with the tit 4 tat game that is played so well by couples.
Face it suckers, if you find love once you did a good thing, but to find love a 2nd time is darn near a feat of unbelievability (yes its a real word). So love the one your with and love your self enough to realize that love moves you to make changes 4 the better and be forgiving because love is kind and long suffering. Its not about who is right or wrong rather about knowing your position on the team of love and playing it to the best of your ability.
I am Ward.....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...