Thursday, May 26, 2011

Double customer service in reverse....

I love my brothers and sisters from all over the world but I seriously think those people who run them Chinese hair care stores have no customer service training over there. O.k. I went to the store looking for a new razor and wanted to look at the new clippers, so I asked Chin Lu for help. Do you know that sucka acted like I as disturbing him. I gave him a pass cuz the store was big and clean. But eye couldn't help but notice how he was looking at me like he thinks all black people are stupid and ignorant. I must admit as I looked around, I saw all black people in there talking loud and ignorant-lol!
It was crazy. Well I decided not to get the clippers and Chin Lu walked away shaking his head like he knew I was broke. It was no biggie because I am use to bad customer service, but sometimes I forget and think that in a tight economy that people would want to treat each customer as if they were the only customer. Guess it my imagination running away again.
Well hold on cuz it gets better. Decided I didn't want to cook so the family went to Applebees. It was cool but the waitress sucked. She came over and went straight for the drink choices (that cuz it cost 10cent for them to serve u a drink and they make a quick $2.89 from the jump). Told her that I am good with water. She brings back the water & spills it on the table and acts like she didn't see the water there. I asked for extra napkins and go it up myself. I didn't mind because the tip was not coming her way at this point anyway. Shoot $2 is my max-lol! Next they bring us someone else's order and then after they realized the error, they took the food to the next table and didn't say nothing to us. I know mistakes happen but a simple my bad is always a service recovery model I like.
Well the steak was good but the service affected the taste. All n all, I think I learned that everyone deserves respect but not everybody knows the meaning of customer service. Just once, I wish I could go out and get good service and have a great time with out dealing with all the drama in society.
I am Ward

Monday, May 16, 2011

I hate Sprint Cell phone company 4 ever!

OMG! Where do I begin? Hold on while I take a big sigh.........o.k. I am good now-lol! My nephews tell me that my little slider phone is old skool because eye don't twitter thingy or face-book from my phone. I just like to text and talk. Well, with that being said, how come my phone bill form Sprint jumped to $200 for this month from $85? Well Sprint said that my phone is some how accessing the Webb when I seen texts or pics. Keep in mind I have the unlimited text-pic option!
I tried explaining this to the rep who insisted that it was my fault and Sprint could not possibly be in error on this. I was transferred to the so-called supervisor (the dude in the next cube no doubt) who said they would call in my 72 hours once a ticket is formed and the higher powers who no one can talk to will decide if they will refund my money back. Of course no one ever called back, so I recalled again. I was told I was only going to get 50% of my $ back. I said NO BUENO sucka! They told me I was responsible to use my phone device responsible and should come in to get retrained on how to text using a basic phone!
If this wasn't so frustrating I would laugh! I was then transferred to this black gay dude who tried to act like he was my buddy. He said Mr. Ward I know the other reps have offered you 15% off the bill, but I can offer you 50% off your bill today. Again, I said NO BUENO! He told me that I am using the internet on my phone and how the notes he read said it was my fault. So he put me on hold and I was talking to someone else about about the situation about how this dude acting like Sprint is his company and how he get so much money from cheating people like me and he busted back in the phone call and said that "You know I can hear you and there is no need to get rude". I said I can talk to anyone about anything I want to and he lost it. He just let out his gayness and started snapping his finger and stood up with his hand on his hip and UN-tucked his pink polo shirt (I would imagine). I told him he was a house negro and he hung up! I was wrong for that but he was tripping! I Thought I was the customer who has a real complaint that occurs monthly. The supervisor actually called me back in 20 minutes and apologized and she would remove the charges 100% and deal with Gay-mon too! I know she really didn't say nothing to him but she made it sound good.
Well anyway, I went out and got me a Virgin mobile phone with the unlimited plan for everything for $40 per month. So now I will use the internet and facebook and stuff. The funny thing is my bill will never change, no extra taxes or contracts. I should have left a long time ago! By the way, did I tell you that I have Sprint Cell phone company 4 ever?
I am Sprint free Ward.....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What I saw this weekend....

I saw a couple getting married outside downtown. They looked happy and the waterfall in the background surely made for nice pictures.

I Saw some people wear clothing combination's that I thought only existed on Meet the Browns.

I saw a million people in my hood at the garage sales. Its amazing how people buy other people's junk and scream its a recession.

I saw a double rainbow and thought about Jehovah's promise to mankind!

I talked to many folk about the Bible and most listened.

I gave Jazzie a bath with Tide and Downy and she smells great! I think she smiled at me.

I went to a job interview and actually had fun.

I saw my grass get cut a day late and not low enough, but I was still charged the same amount of money.

I saw a motorcycle I want! I will get it too!

I saw The HEAT put it down....

I talked to my best friend....

I am ward....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

" Bob" the freaking Craigslist bootleg Mechanic from...well you know....

O.k. I got an amazing deal on a black on black BMW. So me being the "G" that I beeez i had to jump up on it. Well since its used, the old saying is .....when buying a used car means you are really buying someone else's junk! Naah, eye was kidding, my car isn't that bad, it just needed struts. I called BMW and they was talking about enough money to fly me on the space shuttle and back. I went all Amy Whinehouse on them and said NO-NO-NO!
What was a brutha to do? Hummm????? I know I went to Craigslist and guess who I found? Yelp....Bob! I couldn't believe it, but this was the same drunk crack head who fixed my Acura earlier this year. How could I forget him? He was suppose to show up back then at 6pm and somehow made it at Midnight. I swore I wouldn't use him again. He brought his ghetto girl friend who walked all around my yard stealing my bottled waters I keep in the garage. Anywho, I spoke to him on the phone and he said he would do the struts on my BMW 4 $150 so I was very interested. I was so thrilled and the low low price that I didn't even catch his voice. Well he said he was be over at 2pm. He didn't show, so I called him. He said he would be there at 5pm now. He didn't show up but called at 9pm and said he would be there at 7am the next day. He was there so....i called him and he said he was packing up and on his way. He got 2 my home about 10ish. He smelled of alcohol and booty crumbs. I remember thinking this will not turn out good. This dude swore he use to fix BMW's in Florida for years, but when he asked me how to open the hood and trunk!!!! I know he was straight lying. He then says how nice the car is. Then he says his price doubled because he has to do a lot of work to repair it and how he misquoted the job. I said its cool, just put the wheels back on and we can complete the job Saturday. He tried to let the car down with out putting the screws back in the struts and broke two off. Somehow we got one to stick and put the car back together. He had the nerve to ask me for a $50 deposit to make my payment less money when he returns. I looked him straight in his drunk eyes and said Nope I want to wait until you do the work. He said my gas ain't free. I said I can respect is $20 for your trouble. He was like o.k. but make sure you call me back cuz I am gonna research how to fix your car. He grabbed his dog (yeah he brought a mutt)and got his his confederate flag truck and nosily rolled off.
You and I both know I will never see Boob again unless I have to go do a police line up!
I learned sometimes, I/you gotta pay more to have peace of mind and a safe car! Don't get it twisted, I will still find some inexpensive mechanics on craigslist, but I just will go with my gut. Hold on I said a homeless man walking down the street with a will work for food sign, I wonder can he pull a transmission for a sandwich? I guess old habits die hard!
I am Ward...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reasons "NOT" to get married.......

..........Does the word “forever” mean anything to you? F O R E V E R! You're officially trapped.

There’s half as much housework, cooking, and cleaning to do.

You can watch whatever TV channel you like, without arguments.

You can get home from work at whatever time you like.

You get to eat the whole “meal for two” by yourself.

There are fewer important dates (spouse, kids sports, spouse’s parents,
etc) and no anniversaries to accidentally forget.

Without a spouse you have can still have a decent social life in your 40s.

You don’t keep catching every sniffle, cold and flu bug that your
spouse brings home.

You don’t have to live halfway between your workplace and your
spouse’s workplace.

Once you’re married most of your friends will also be married, and
coincidentally (like you, if you marry) they will mostly be staying
home with their own spouse’s instead of hanging out with you.

You can lie in bed in the morning for as long as you like.

Nobody sees what you look like first thing in the morning.

No soap operas (of sports shows, depending on male vs. female perhaps)

You can throw your dirty socks on the floor where they belong.

There’s no pressure to make the bed in the morning

You don’t have to worry about what the bathroom smells like when
you walk out of it.

You know where the bar of soap has been

When you’re single the lawn looks a lot better when the grass is longer

No one snores

Folding clothes?…No only have to do my own

There’s no fight for remote control ownership or wondering where it is?

Smelly socks and skiddy underwear are not that big of an issue when
you’re only washing your own besides I am a neat freak!

No one to cheat on you

I am Ward....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Arguing is arguing in any language

O.k. yall know I can and will sale an Eskimo snow in the winter time because, hey that's what I! Well the other day I had some rims on the web for sale and this Korean man kept calling trying to get them. He saw the product and knew my stuff was not only wholesale priced and ready to move, but my rims was the shizz nick!.
The first problem was this dude couldn't speak good ENGRISHH!!! I kept saying excuse me could you repeat that? He just got more frustrated and finally had a white girl call for my address. Our 1st of 12 phone calls started at 9a.m. and he finally arrived at 10p.m. that night during the worst rain storm of the month. No problem, I repeat I am a salesperson so I had to do what I had to do! I juxtapose my whips to accommodate my customer. He pulls his BMW Z3 into my garage and we put two of the rims on the rear and they fit, but barely. I told dude they was 20z and I would only recommend 18z or less. He just said "NO- I want 20z"! I was like cool, but in reality dude only had about half an inch of space to work with, so I know when he hit a bump they rubbed, but hey that's what he wanted.
Well here is where the story gets good. After we put the tires on the car,Dude tried
to fit all the tires in his convertible. I was like, "Dude let me just drop the rims off for you for no extra charge." He said he could do it himself. I watched him struggle and waited for him to ask for my help-which he finally did. So we rolled out (in the rain) for the next 22 miles. We finally arrive at his casa and he opened the garage door and out come his wife (short oriental woman with hair down to her feet and a mouth the size of King Kong! What ever she was saying she was saying it loud and with an attitude. Apparently she didn't want him to have them rims and she didn't want me to unload them. I just kept moving as they kept arguing. Dude was holding her back as she was trying to get at me. I was thinking I know I got Rosetta Stone but I don't speak a da Chinese too good! I dropped them tires in his garage and had got my money like a handicap parking spot. I got it up front-lol! I peeled out and and didn't look back. I could still hear them suckers arguing all the way down 465! And people talk about black people being ghetto-huh! It was freaking midnight at this point!!!!
Perhaps I could have done something to help, but then again maybe I did. I left and didn't become part of the problem, because as you all know, Ain't no refunds- only smiles and hand shakes. The bottom line is......Arguing is arguing in any language.

I am Ward....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...