Does it hurt your feelings when someone yells at you? Do you get upset if no one wants to hear your point of view on the current topic at hand? What if your friends just walk in your home and start to eat all of your food in your refrigerator with out asking? Hummm, yes respect means many things to many people, but it has no stronger meaning to the individual that is being touched by it at the moment.
Case N point! Jesus was quoted in the Scriptures at John 13:34 as speaking on washing the disciples feet! (You can read it for your self..) The point he was making is that no one is greater than the next person in all aspects of life. With that being said let me bring the blog full circle.
Real Talk: It has often been said that people tend to hurt the people closest to us. Perhaps it is due to the familiarity or lack of respect. I am sure most of us have those times when we can tell a loved one something that they don't really want to hear such as "You look terrible in that dress or those shoes are looking really shabby on your feet". Immediately the person goes on the defense about your words. Let us just assume that you meant no harm other than speaking the truth from your perspective. Now you both are upset and second guessing what could have been done differently. But wait, along comes an out sider who says the exact same things you just said and the loved one accepts it with a smile and a chuckle as they go and remedy the situation just as the outsider suggested!!!! Don't that just make you want to bust a vein in your pinky toe?
Referring back to Jesus example of washing feet! He again helped me to see that if I respect everyone as much as Jesus respected others and their views, my arguing time would obviously non-existent. True he is perfect, but his example is attainable. This is application for Wardy to do: The next time I am caught in the paradox of the double standard matrix, I am gonna remain calm and do what Jesus did and just be cool and lead by example. Now if I fail, at least I know I tried. Ya heard ya boi.
Eye am Ward.......