Sunday, December 23, 2018

Ways women can destroy a marriage...............quickly

Image result for images of angry black woman fighting men
“I just can’t take it anymore!”
 Have you ever heard people say that about their marriage? If you are married (or now a days- been dating someone for double digits years), have you at some time had a similar feeling?
THOUSANDS of couples began married life in the warm glow of love—or in the heat of passion—and expected happiness to follow. “But by the time they  seek help, they have already reached the depths of despair,” in my opinion. “They have become disillusioned with their partner, with marriage, with love, and sometimes even with life.” Many of those couples have little more in common than a marriage certificate and the dwelling they share. I know we often attack the male about what he is doing wrong considering he is the head of the house, but today let us focus on 4 typical types of females that destroy relationships.  ((* The women seldom realize that this is them on purpose.))
1. A Dismissive Woman (Definition = feeling or showing that something is unworthy of consideration.)
 A dismissive woman devalues or diminishes her man's preferences, opinions or desires. Sometimes you’ll hear a dismissive woman turning the conversation back to herself, (“Yes, but what about my needs?”) or failing to really consider the desire (“That’s just not practical/realistic/happening in this lifetime.”) or even shaming the need (“Oh, for heaven’s sake, you’re not one of the children! Grow up.”).

 Why is this “bad”? When a woman unilaterally dismisses her partner’s need or preference, her husband feels rejected, unloved and unimportant. He may not say it, but he feels it. Plain and simple, it hurts. Overtime its not surprising to see the men pull further and further away from the love or the relationship all together.
Does this mean a wife should be at her husband’s beck and call, ready to fulfill every desire? Absolutely not! It does mean, though, that she genuinely cares about her partner’s feelings and wants to meet his needs when she can. Men really enjoy women that support his decisions as the family head in a loving way!!!
2. An Undependable Woman  (Definition= not trustworthy or reliable)
The first description of an excellent wife is listed at Proverbs chapter 31:11 (NWT)  "Her husband trusts her from his heart,And he lacks nothing of value."  The NIV says “Her husband has full confidence in her.” Oweee, I felt a chill run down my spine when I typed that verse!
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if a good wife is trustworthy, a bad wife isn’t.
If you’re considering marrying a woman whose integrity you question, let me offer you a friendly piece of advice: RUN, don't walk sucka!!!
A dependable woman can be trusted to be faithful to her man, responsible in her decisions, and wise with their children or step children. She’ll hang on with you through the tough times and hold on to you in the good. She’s honest and she’s honorable. She doesn’t withhold the truth; she upholds the truth. Even in small matter (no double talking or saying this and saying later that she meant something else!! You are not a mind reader but a person who can hear with you say. This type of woman enriches the life of everyone around her—most of all, her husband!!!!!
3. A Disrespectful Woman ( You already know this woman)

Disrespect doesn’t always come in the form of words. It can come with a look: eye rolling, a shaking head, or a deep sigh (especially when a question is asked that she doesn't want to answer). It can be an attempt to control, to mother or to demean a husband. These actions send the same message: You’re an idiot. I don’t respect you.
God gives only one command directed to wives: the wife should have deep respect for her husband. (Ephesians 5:33).  In healthy, life-giving marriages, wives respect their husbands and husbands love their wives. God’s plan is a win for both sides.
Are some men are easier to respect than others? That's obvious sucka. But every healthy relationship, both inside and outside of marriage—every single one—is built on the foundation of respect. Without respect relationships crumble.

4. A Discouraging Woman (causing someone to lose confidence or enthusiasm; depressing).
There are two relational truths many women fail to understand:
Truth 1: At the heart of every good man is the desire to please his wife.
Truth 2: It’s very challenging, at best, to stay emotionally, physically and spiritually connected to a person who consistently makes you feel discouraged… especially if that person is your wife.
This is why the discouraging wife can be so lethal to a life-giving marriage. The discouraging woman makes her man feel like he can’t do or say anything right, no matter how hard he tries. In the inner recess of her mind she’s thinks I would like him more if he… Her unspoken goal is change this sucka. She might use criticism or smerks when a reality tv show is on with someone acting like she does (not the healthy, constructive type). She may complain often. She may name call, nitpick, or try and control him by playing inch high private eye on his electronic devices. No matter how her discouragement manifests itself, the outcome is the same: Her husband usually feels worse in her presence than better. (Notice Ephesians 4:29 = Let a rotten word not come out of your mouth, but only what is good for building up as the need may be, to impart what is beneficial to the hearers)

This isn’t to say a wife can’t disagree or express disappointment. It doesn’t mean wives can’t have hard conversations. It does mean, though, that we learn the art of having hard conversations without being hard-heated.
*Please note that there are many women out here who are dearly loved by their men. Those are the one's who learn their role and encourage their men to be better with trust in the LORD and love.
I am Ward....

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ain't nobody got time for all that????

BACK in the days of Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of the British port of Singapore, it was not unusual for him to wait a whole year for an answer to one of his dispatches to London. But that was the 19th century. Today such wonders as communications satellites allow instantaneous communication to virtually any spot on earth.
It is ironic, however, that while man can so easily communicate with someone on another continent, he is often a failure when it comes to communicating with members of his own family. Skyrocketing divorce rates bear grim testimony to this fact. Little wonder, then, that in one study of “happy” and “unhappy” couples, the researchers drew this conclusion: “The prime need in many troubled marriages is for better ways of communicating between the partners.” But how many families really commune—that is, talk intimately “with great mental or spiritual depth,” as one dictionary defines the word? Often there is little or no meeting of minds, still less of hearts. Why, though, has this breakdown come about?
The Communication Breakdown: Its Causes
Many are the factors that have worked against the quality of family life. Prior to industrialization, “work” was more or less a family operation, but now this has changed. In most parts of the world, a man must spend long hours working away from home to make a living. A sagging world economy has forced many women to do likewise. Children are thus often entrusted to paid caretakers or left to fend for themselves. Schools have taken over the entire job of educating children—a job that in times past was primarily the responsibility of parents. Technology—the same tool that has so improved communications—has at times worked to debilitate family life.
Before the days of radios, TVs, stereos, videotape recorders, and video games, family members often spent time talking with one another. But the present glut of such gadgets has all but killed the art of conversation in some families. The report of the National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.A.) entitled Television and Behavior states: “Family gatherings by the fireplace or at the dinner table now seem to have given way to gatherings in front of the television set.” Particularly disturbing was the finding that in the United States, “families spend about half their waking hours at home watching television.” And the tragic fact is that, in many families, when the TV is switched on, the family switches off; conversation sinks to a low level.
The result? Family life becomes shallow. Fellowship ebbs and family members inevitably drift apart. But for a family to be united, bound by the ties of understanding and love, there has to be communion of minds and hearts. Family members that enjoy such communication can upbuild one another to withstand the strains of a tense, troubled society. How, though, can a family cultivate such closeness? Advice abounds from many sources, but the best advice can only be found in the Bible.....
I am WarD....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...