Tuesday, July 23, 2013
My Tuesday......
Today was one for the ages. I went to work like always and did my thugthizzle like the G eye claim to be. The fun was about to start!!! I walked to the cafeteria with my boi Brandon and watched him order some food that was less than desirable. I said I was broke when the waiter asked for my order, he laughed and we walked away. I then called a guy about a car I wanted to buy. He told me to come over at lunch and check it out. I went over and he didn't pick up his phone until after I got back to work. I choose not to pick up my phone either. So I decided to go to McDonalds to get some lunch before heading back. I asked for a Filet of fish meal with out cheese (this way I get a hot sandwich). The voice asked me what drink did I want with my kids Nugget meal??? I clearly stated again that I wanted a Filet of fish meal with no freaking cheese. She apologized and repeated about the order back and I pulled around and paid. I drove off and ate some of fries. All was good until I took a bite out of my Filet of fish meal with EXTRA CHEESE and EXTRA TARTAR SAUCE. No problem, I scraped off the excess and ate my soggy sandwich with a smile. I arrived back to work to walk past the non smoking places where everybody smokes and back to the grind. I came home, sold another car and went out for a Chinese dinner! Picked up my van from my mechanic and drove it home to have it start smoking all over again! Geesh!!!! I went into the garage and worked on my other other other car. Came in watched some boob tube, took a shower and fell the heck to sleep.
The good thing is: I get to live to try to do it all again better tomorrow! I still got my family and I am Ward!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Make peace with yo brutha sucker!
You may realize that thoughtlessly, unwittingly, or carelessly, you may have offended a brother. Your conscience may tell you that you have fallen short in your conduct. Anyone who is serious about serving our creator would do all in his power to rectify the shortcoming, would he not? That could mean apologizing sincerely to the person offended or, in the case of serious wrongdoing, seeking the spiritual assistance of loving Christian leaders. So it costs us something to rectify a sin committed against a fellow man or against God himself. Even so, when we make such “sacrifices,” we restore our relationship with "HIM" and our brother and we gain a clean conscience. This, in turn, reassures us that God’s way is the best way.
I am Ward....
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
How EyE feeLz today....
Sometimes I don't do what I want to do. Don't get it all done in a day. Take to long of a napp and watch way to much t.v.
I imagine many people feel this way at times. I read this quote by Marilyn Monroe and had an inner chuckle....
I am not Pretty, but I am beautiful,
I sin, but I am not the Devil.
I am good, but I am not an Angel.......
I am Ward.......
Sunday, July 14, 2013
I'M just saying......
I recall when I was a kid, people use to always say how they wish they knew then what they know now. It seems we all have been there, done that and got the freaking t-shirt. The thing that has got me thinking today is about advice from friends. Do we have to take our friends advice or is it just Wardz of wisdumb that we should take with a grain of salt? I personally feel that regardless of reality, we as people R usually going to do what they feel is right for themselves no matter what the cost. I watched a guy on some show snort bath salts for 30 minutes as he admitted he it was killing him. Dude was going against logic, family and friends, because "He Grown". Like I said, the real issue is "Are you suppose take advice, even if its the right thing to do?"
Most of my friends have someone to lean on and confide in,but the ironic thing about "over-sharing" with others, is that they feel like you do with out ever getting to hear "I am sorry from the offender". The friend just knows how you got hurt, how you were broken and how they were by your side when the offender did what they felt was right. I don't know if men or women lie more than the other, but one thing I do know is that when someone gets hurt in love and we reach out to our friends, you should know that to the friend helping you has views based off non-emotional logic. It appears the offender has perfected the "art" of lying to himself in order to justify his behavior, but maybe U ain't ready for this jelly. I.E, see bridezilla boot camp (Porsha).
My point is not to brow beat someone for avoiding advice, rather to encourage all of us to realize life is to short to be wasted. If something is broke, it ain't you job to fix it! If your not appreciated -find someone who will! If you have issues with your job, then complain to the people who can make a difference. So again, wardy suggests taking your issues to the issuer, not the friend who is really down for you because in the end you are gonna follow your heart and not your friends (The Bible says don't follow your emotional heart, use your Bible trained mind) advice. I, as a high school student, tried to help my boy who got in a fight with his high school sweetheart and her 7 sisters. Spent the whole freaking night with him and trying to be there for him. Next day I go to his house and there he is sitting there with Super Psycho girl that almost got him arrested!! I said from that moment moving forward, I am gonna being a listener and not a saver of relationships. Heck, she don't wonna be saved!
BTW, my boy ended up having two kids by that girl, the kids hate him and don't speak to him, the girl he stayed with for 3 years tried to kill him later on in life and he finally said he knew the situation was wrong, but he was afraid of being alone so he stayed and wasted his life!!!! Like I stated, I just have a wait and see view point in 2013. Here is to watching you suckers.....
Eye Be Ward....
Monday, July 8, 2013
10 Facts about dating.......
1. Wardy has found that people were twice as likely to find a date through friends and family than through the club scene.
2. Nearly 40% of brothers do not feel confident meeting a woman for the first time.
3. Studies show that schools, colleges, coffee shops, and malls are all excellent places to flirt because people are more open to meeting others in these places. Poor locations are restaurants and movie theaters.
4. Studies show that before a man even speaks a word, the way he stands (whether he is slouching or not) counts for over 80% of woman’s first impression.
5. Ninety-two percent of single parents would rather date other single parents.
6. Four common date blunders include showing up late, talking about yourself too much, revealing too much about your ex, and an obvious over-eagerness.
7. Signs that a man is about to break up with a woman include that he spends less time with her, he is no longer romantic, passionate kissing turns into quick pecks (particularly no kiss during sex), he fantasizes about someone else during sex, he pats her during a hug, and he tries to start fights.
8. Over 50% of all singles in America have not had a date in more than two years.
9. Couples usually wait until six to eight dates before they are willing to enter into an exclusive relationship.
10. Approximately 48% of online daters reported that their breakups occurred via email.
11. A woman can increase the likelihood of a man approaching her if she uncrosses her arms, makes subtle eye contact, and smiles.
12. Research shows that men know they’re falling in love after just three dates, but women don’t fall in love until date 14.
13. If a woman offers to pay for everything, chances are she isn’t that into the date. There’s an unspoken understanding that a man paying for everything is a form of “copulatory gift,” which is almost universal in all animal species.
14. Beautiful women typically get more stares, winks, and harassment than average-looking women do, but they are also less likely to get asked out by average-looking men because those men tend to be intimated by them.
15. Dating specialists suggest that if a woman doesn’t return a call after two messages, she is not interested.
16. If a group of women are standing together but their eyes are wandering, they are likely to be looking for guys. If they each take a turn to break away from the group to head to the bathroom alone, they are on the prowl. If they are huddled together giggling, they are usually not interested in finding men.
I am Ward......
Sunday, July 7, 2013
eye am just saying....
Thangs eye been thanking about today!
- Seems like this TreyVon Martin situation is O.J all over again. Black and White when you really get down to it!
- How come the Indianapolis Colts passed on the Heisman trophy winner and got Andrew Luck. Then the Heisman winner goes out and wins Rookie of the year awards, hummmmmm?
- Why do people complain to each other and not to the person who can make a difference?
- If we love someone, why is it so hard to show it with actions and words?
- Why was it the end of the world when Lebron James left Cleveland, but Dwight leaves L.A. and it life as usual?
- Why are reality shows so popular now?
- Why do we never-ever see black dramas on prime time t.v. (and comedy don't count)
- When are we finally gonna let Michael Jackson die?
- Why do people have to go to extremes with tattoos and piercings?
- How come we can see flaws in others but gloss past it in ourselves.
- How is that everyone has a Biblical view point but never read the scriptures?
- I will never understand racism. Humans are the only species that has color issues?
- I think the Aresenio Hall showing coming back is the best thing since fat free water!
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
How to sale thangz like Wardy does on Craigslist and not B skerdddd!
Most people
are at least as uncomfortable coming to your house to buy something as
you are inviting them, so if you can meet in public you should.
Generally a coffee shop or other easy-to-spot location between the two
of you is best so you both have a fair, even amount of driving. Public
meetings also have the advantage of witnesses—you know, so you're less
likely to be murdered by the very rare psychopath looking to buy an
Meeting in
public is a pretty obvious staple of a Craigslist, but it's not always
possible. What if you're selling a couch? As much as I'd love to watch
you haggle over a sofa outside of Kentucky Fried Chicken, I think we
both know that's never going to happen. Some items just don't lend
themselves to being sold anywhere other than where they are right now,
and if you're selling them on Craigslist that probably means your house
or apartment. If you're going to invite someone over for a sale, there
are a few tricks to help keep you safe:
- Leave your door open during the sale so if there's a problem you can be heard.
- Have a friend (or two) with you when the sale is being made. If you have to be alone, have a friend call to check in with you during the sale or just keep them on the line during the sale in case something happens.
- If you live in an apartment, give your address but not your apartment number and meet the buyer outside first. (If you live in a house, you can meet them outside anyway.) In the event that you meet them and they're making you very uncomfortable, send them on your way and go back inside. You run the risk of being rude and you lose a potential buyer, but if you are not comfortable talking to a person outside of your home then you should not invite them in. (For the record, it's very unlikely you will ever have to do this, but it's good to give yourself the option just in case.)
- Never sale anything that you wouldn't buy yourself and use, because some of yall are cray-cray!
- Don't lie or over sale the items you have. Just be honest.
- Respect the other persons right to say "no" or pass on your products. They may not like it or "you"
- Remain positive and let it does what it dew suckers...
- I am Ward.....
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