Many timez before "The Ward" has stated that every counselor needs a counselor. I don't care who we are: We all need to have a sounding board for our daily issues if only to just to keep from talking to ourselves or making sure we aren't 2 crazy-RIGHT? Well today I was reflecting back on the long week I just completed and realized that like many people eye know have spoke to me about issues of importance to them as I did with them. 1 think that we all had in common was ......no matter how good the responses we heard from our loved ones on our issues-We,in the end,choose our own destiny, do we not? I guess looking back on my childhood, my parents always inculcated a sense of right and wrong with in my sister and myself. Nevertheless, I at times still got in minor trouble, I skipped school, got speeding tickets and dated the very wrong girls-lol! O.k. the long and short of this entry is this. I think in our limited insight we tend to think that since we feel this way, that others must be ludicrous to think opposite of us: HOW DARE YOU THINK ON YOUR OWN!!!!
I am personally trying to work on this type of reasoning so I can become a better man. Once a friend who has 3 kids asked me what did I think about him getting a new tiny car. The ironic thing was he could have gotten any car he wanted but he wanted the small car. I was thinking why not get the van, but I saw the look in his eyes. He wanted that car and I remember taking a deep swallow and saying go for that small car! Ironically he ended up getting the van! I so desperately wanted to say "Fool- get the ride that fits and not just looks good, but I didn't and I learned something new that day!
Recently another good friend asked me about giving their opinion to someone who didn't take their advice. She felt that due to all of their other failed attempts at resolution that she would end their friendship! At first I was shocked, saddened, disappointed and confused as to why she felt that way. Then it dawned on me again, that who said I have the right to judge others views (even if they are Klearly Krazee). I soon realized sometimes when others confide in us its usually for 1 or 2 reazons. Either they really value our judgement/respect us or they just want to talk and have us just agree with their perspectives. Additionally, the confider is probably unaware that the listener is being emotionally drawn into your broke situation. When e don't take the advice that we requested sometimes people do get hurt/burned/mad at you. We get tired of seeing loved one take shots to the dome while we stand helpless by like strangers in the night. It is hard not to let people do what they gotta. As I mentioned, my folks looked out for me, but during that time I didn't necessarily know that and even if I did know, I am sure I would have wanted to do what I wanted to do-you know you been there before 2.
When we allow ourselves to be drawn into others lives, we are in a sense letting it become a part of us and that's the beginning of the end. Good example is our Heavenly Father, he can use selective foreknowledge of what our personal outcomes will be and he tries everything short of doing for us to protect us. Yet, he doesn't give up on us if we want to follow his lead. He knows he is right but never brow beats that fact into us. I would image that he realizes that even though some times we know something is bad for us that we still gotta test it out just to make EXTRA sure!
Let me end by saying this. A friend is one sticking closer than a brother and you cant stop being a brother, but you can keep a safe-loving distance. When our hommies fall, we need to be there to help them up or at the very least be able to say,"What did you learn from this experience and we gonna get through this together but with a plan this time.
At the end of the day your wounds become part of you, as due the reminders of hard lessons learned from our personal choices. Reasoning point: When we jump out of a plane we have not 1 but 2 parachutes because you need a back. You may never need it but its nice to have it, isn't it.Right or wrong, we ask trusted ones to hear us give and opinion of us and continue to love us anyway. The ball is in your court, now don't miss the friendship shot sucka!
I am Ward...
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