Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adapting 2 tha unwanted......

I have learned so much in my life since becoming a father to my two daughters. I have learned to laugh a things that I use to take so seriously, I enjoying giving gifts instead of always wanting something from someone. I know that Jah is real and so is his word. My broken pieces over the years have shaped me to be the man that I am now and looking back....I don't think I would change a thing....eye only say that becuz eye don't know what else would change.
I know that as a parent we often want the best for our children (or at least we should)and want them 2 have better things than we had when we was on the come up. That doesn't mean that they will appreciate our efforts/advice or well meant intentions. I find that similar in other aspects of life as well. If you give your all to someone or something (work-relationships-sports) and it lets us down, we have to learn to accept the rejection and go on with life or remove ourselves from the situation. For example, you are at work and doing the dang thang like the "G" you are and all of a sudden your boss tells you that you have the privilege to train your new supervisor for the position "you" have always wanted and expected. Complaining wont do no good now sucker. That's where Actor/Actress mode has to kick in. Ya know being a team player as we call it-lol! You know good and well you ain't gonna teach him errr thing! Really one should consider how much of work is what we do and how much of it is a means to an end..... N other words being broke or having money in thy pocket.
At the end of the day, its like the love eye have for my daughters....we have to learn from what life gives us and adapt. Eye don't know how it is for you and yours, but I am adjusting to life, love and longevity. Its no blue print for getting it right the 1st time, but there is always the winner in us that won't ever give up making lemonade out of lemons.
I can't imagine anymore pain than professional athletes who finally makes it big... only to end up worse than before the $$$ in the end. Some go from having nothing but raw talent and absolutely no coins, no girls, no fun and a poor family depending on your ability to put the ball in the hole or over that goal line. Then fame happens. Now you living the life.....You got a big house, luxury cars and fame from people you don't know and didn't know you until now. Evey-body loves a winner as long as your winning. Then next thing we hear is that how the former millionaire is broke and on t.v. crying about how somebody poorly invested his money. The one simple piece that could have changed the puzzle was the addition of God in their lives! I am sure some keep him N their thoughts but most get caught up. Heck it don't have to be just rich folk, us broke folk do it too!
I am sure we all gonna get some pain and sunshine after the rain as long as we can keep on keeping on during the good times and the bad we may be alright. I just hate the times we gotta looose whats really good before we realize we aren't just part of the problem, but part of the solution......
I am Ward....

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Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...