Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to loose weight fast.......HCG to the rescue!!!!

Seems like weight is an ever going issue for people in this great country of ours and it has been that way for years. Heck we are known as the fat capital of the free world. The good book even tells us that over eating is a sin, but judging from some of the reality shows (Biggest loser-celebrity fit club etc)I don't see that having any effect-lol! Never the less, some of us want to loose the weight more than others do. Perhaps we join a gym and run with the treadmill on 10 (don't try this please) or others may feel that working out in front of others isn't cool, so they resort to diet pills, starvation or my favorite HCG!

Ya see HCG, also known as human chorionic gonadotropin, is generally injected under the skin or into a muscle. It is often used in conjunction with a fertility drug, such as Femara or Clomid, to encourage ovulation in infertility patients. HCG can also be used to help with (((DRAMATIC))) weight loss. As with most treatments, there are several side effects to using the shot but its gaining in popularity. The kicker is that you have to use it for a few weeks while dang near staring your self on a 500 per day calorie diet (1200 is the lowest anybody should go)and then stop taking it for 5-6 weeks to prevent your body from building up a tolerance to it. This stuff cost about $500-$600 per cycle. That's a nice piece of change to use something that has temporary unproven results with great side effects to look smaller.

I guess I always thought if you gained weight and wanted to loose weight why not do the opposite of what you did to get fat in the first place. If you over eat, try moderation, if you love sweets, try veggies. You get my point. I understand that no one can feel good about them selves unless we feel good about ourselves. I also happen to think that life is short so you have to do what is best for the most important people/person in your life.....

I am Ward.....

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Only Jah can JudGe me SuCkeRz

An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts is also known as PREJUDICE. I really don't like the word, the meaning or the way the word sounds. I think of how so many people have been mistreated over the years for things of so much unimportance. I was listening to the song entitled "Change is going to come" by Sam Cooke. I realize that he was talking about an impending death, but the song on this particular day encouraged me think about how things are in December 2011.
As a former educator in the Public school system, I was surprised and somewhat relived to see how prejudice wasn't a factor in school or should I say from the students anyway. Some didn't want to be in school, some just wanted to have fun and goof off and even a rare few want an education-lol! Now when it comes to adults, that is a whole new ball game because I feel that prejudice has to be cultivated over time before it is perfected. How are these lessons learned? A child picks up negative attitudes—both spoken and unspoken—first from his parents and then from his friends or teachers (not me suckers). Later the neighbors, newspaper, radio, or television might further influence him. Although he likely knows little or nothing about the groups he dislikes, by the time he becomes an adult, he has concluded that they are inferior and untrustworthy. He may even hate them.
4 example, during economic downturns in America, immigrant workers are frequently blamed for unemployment—even though they often take jobs that the average person refuses to do. But you know how easily people are influenced by what we hear. Another example, Lebron James leaving Cleveland. It seems like an entire sports fan base was hating on a young black man who wanted to win a championship ring. He was told Jordan would not have played with Magic or Bird to win so why should he? A simple truth is this about that: Dude fulfilled his 7 year contract and unlike Jordan, Bird and Magic, his team did not surround him with an all star ensemble. Remember Adul Jabbar, Kevin McHale,Scottie Pippen???? Who the freak did Lebron have with him while he won 2 back to back MVP's...ummm nobody! Not to trying to get all deep in the NBA (cuz its rigged) but trying to make this point.....being prejudice always has less than positive results. Nevertheless, the person who has developed a strong prejudice usually clings to his stupid unsupported notions. He may insist on stereotyping thousands or even millions of people, assuming that they all share certain bad qualities. Any negative experience, even if it involves just one person from that group, serves to reinforce his prejudice. Positive experiences, on the other hand, are usually disregarded as exceptions to the rule.
I feel the only way to combat this line of thinking is........
Well how about I don't try and problem solve this topic, but just make people aware that the issue is real and if we continue to ignore it and have no open dialogues then we can expect more of the same.

I am WarD..........

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Only in American Walmarts

Today I don't even think I need to write anything. If you have ever been to Walmart at night like eye have, please remember to take your camera next time...
I am wARd....

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

They said don't put my hands on the kids when I was teaching middle school.......

Hey, I was just trying to help out the next generation from making the same mistakes that we made coming up! They told me to teach the kidz but don't touch them. Heck, I remember all my friends getting paddled in school and we turned out alright (well, maybe not Oatha, Craig and Mookie them).
Nonetheless, I came up with an ideal to teach kids to listen to"MR. WARD"
See pic and decided for yourself if I should have gotten "fired" for my great ideal. {Sad thin that little boy still won't ride in a car to this day, must have been something eye did-lol!}
I am Ward.....

Monday, December 12, 2011

You can't play me sucker....

Granted I ain't never had to lay down and do some hard time like some of the fallen soldiers that many of us may and do know. But the thing that gets me is how some of the brothers who are back at home that I somehow meet have this odd propensity to try and play me like I am some type of poot butt! By this I mean, running game- the old okie doke- the flimmm flammm Mannn....sucka you get my point.
I recall this instance when I needed some work done around one of my properties and I needed it completed for a reasonable price cuz let's face it....ya boi is cheap and owns it like eye got a receipt 4 it! Anywho, this ummm bizness man agrees to meet me at this high class joint up on 38th and Illinois street, it was called ummmm........Yeah it was McDonald's, or was it Burger Kang all I know is the meeting of the mindz cost me $8.97 (I got the receipt). So we sitting there talking and I ask him about his skill when it comes to yard work. He (lets call him Kalibb), begins to tell me how he has worked for many celebrities and rich folks and my situation wasn't nothing but thang for him- whooptiee whoop and what knot! I still don't know what that meant, but I again asked him why should I hire him to landscape the yard and the minor touch ups. He then said he doesn't have references because he just got back home (back from jail recently) but I could ask PeeNo and Lowkey about what he told them he was gonna do when he got out. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to go down to see these well respected and adjusted brothers who are set to come home in early 2023, so I figured I would give him a chance. Kalibb told me he would need 75% of the money up front to pay his workers. I told him I don't pay upfront because I didn't know him like that. He was like o.k. just leave me a key to the property and he would get started. Pause- I told him, outside work only, inside when my people are present and he had the nerve to say "what up Family-u trust ya boi and what not?" I said of course I don't trust you sucka....
Kalibb showed up for work the first day 3 hours late because he over slept. He was suppose to arrive at 3pm in the afternoon and he was late. He then had to leave early cuz he didn't eat dinner and had a headache. It was cool, but why did I see him shooting ball an hour later. I quietly walked up and said I got next. I went to the truck and got my Jayz and before I could say "BOO" that sucka was gone faster than Mike Tyson at 3rd grade spelling Bee and he was being called up first!
Next day, he shows up for work and on time and asked me could he use my lawn mower to cut the neighbor's yard because he didn't have money to get one of his own yet. Now I had to ask myself do I look like a sucker? NOT! I said for him to go to Wal-Mart and pick out the best mower they got and tell them I said it was o.k. to give it to him once he pays them money from work he performs. He got mad and left. Heck, I thought it was funny.
I think sometimes when people do time, they get an education on how to hustle and if they good, catch a sucker. But I had a surprise for Kalibb when we he showed up the 3rd time!! I found an old man in the hood who came and did the work I needed for half the price and quickly. Kalibb was like who did the work? I had to tell him, Wardy done hired your Uncle sucka, the same dude who recommended you doubled back and got your money plus your tip!
I guess we all have good intentions about wanting to help out those who have had some set backs, but we know you can't bite the hand that is about to pimp slapp you...or was it feeds you? I like mine better! Oh well eye guess Kalibb had to find out the hard way that ........
I am Ward.......

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Adapting 2 tha unwanted......

I have learned so much in my life since becoming a father to my two daughters. I have learned to laugh a things that I use to take so seriously, I enjoying giving gifts instead of always wanting something from someone. I know that Jah is real and so is his word. My broken pieces over the years have shaped me to be the man that I am now and looking back....I don't think I would change a thing....eye only say that becuz eye don't know what else would change.
I know that as a parent we often want the best for our children (or at least we should)and want them 2 have better things than we had when we was on the come up. That doesn't mean that they will appreciate our efforts/advice or well meant intentions. I find that similar in other aspects of life as well. If you give your all to someone or something (work-relationships-sports) and it lets us down, we have to learn to accept the rejection and go on with life or remove ourselves from the situation. For example, you are at work and doing the dang thang like the "G" you are and all of a sudden your boss tells you that you have the privilege to train your new supervisor for the position "you" have always wanted and expected. Complaining wont do no good now sucker. That's where Actor/Actress mode has to kick in. Ya know being a team player as we call it-lol! You know good and well you ain't gonna teach him errr thing! Really one should consider how much of work is what we do and how much of it is a means to an end..... N other words being broke or having money in thy pocket.
At the end of the day, its like the love eye have for my daughters....we have to learn from what life gives us and adapt. Eye don't know how it is for you and yours, but I am adjusting to life, love and longevity. Its no blue print for getting it right the 1st time, but there is always the winner in us that won't ever give up making lemonade out of lemons.
I can't imagine anymore pain than professional athletes who finally makes it big... only to end up worse than before the $$$ in the end. Some go from having nothing but raw talent and absolutely no coins, no girls, no fun and a poor family depending on your ability to put the ball in the hole or over that goal line. Then fame happens. Now you living the life.....You got a big house, luxury cars and fame from people you don't know and didn't know you until now. Evey-body loves a winner as long as your winning. Then next thing we hear is that how the former millionaire is broke and on t.v. crying about how somebody poorly invested his money. The one simple piece that could have changed the puzzle was the addition of God in their lives! I am sure some keep him N their thoughts but most get caught up. Heck it don't have to be just rich folk, us broke folk do it too!
I am sure we all gonna get some pain and sunshine after the rain as long as we can keep on keeping on during the good times and the bad we may be alright. I just hate the times we gotta looose whats really good before we realize we aren't just part of the problem, but part of the solution......
I am Ward....

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

say Brutha. Kan ewe spare some ChaNGe?

Is it me or have you ever noticed that workers in public eye tend to have their hands out for doing their job they are already paid to do? People who clean rooms at hotels, the concierge ,the custodian and the check in people. O.k. here is what happened to me. I was in my room typing away on some work on the computer when a knock at my hotel door stopped my flow. I opened the door and there was Mae Ling with a bunch of towels apologizing and saying she could come back later. I said, oh no come on in, its no bother. She came in and did her thing and even re maid my bed. I was like cool. Well she finished and stood there looking at me with her hands behind her back smiling asking if there is anything else I could do for her? I replied no thank you. To my surprise she still stood there as if I said something foreign to her. I mean dang, I do sale Rosetta stone disc-lol!
Apparently Mae Ling was expecting a tip from old Wardy. Huh, somebody done told her wrong (in my Martin Voice) because I turned around and pretended to be on the phone talking about how I don't have enough money to get back home. She must have understood that because she freaking disappeared into thin air when she thought I was broke. She ain't the only one who has a hand out. The dude who took my luggage must be a crack head. I told him, I got my bag but he insisted he could do it. I finally said fine, take it. He let out a big Kool aide smile as if to say I am about to get paid! Again, Somebody done told him wrong 2 (must have been that darn Mae Ling). He gently put my luggage on my bed and set my shoes neatly in the corner and then asked did I need anything else. I was thinking I didn't request your freaking help in the first place so the answer was and still is NO! He wanted a tip. I said don't talk to strangers in Tijuana after 9 p.m.-then again he should ask them for a tip!
This is my point, if you have a job, then you should do your best and if the customer wants to show some love, then its their option. No one wants to give you something for things you were gonna do anyway. Think about it how many times you tip the mail man for bring you a bill or when is the last time you gave a police officer a tip for giving you the much needed speeding ticket? You see my point. I don't want to imply that good service should not be rewarded, rather good service should be expected. Is it so wrong to expect from people. You can tip me if you like this!
I am WaRd......

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...