I enjoy doing many things during my time off of work and one of them is the simple joy of kicking it with my nephews. I like to think that we learn so much from each other, some negatives but mostly positives. We may kick the round ball on the court or we my pontificate about the curiosities of life and how to get in where we fit in. Other times we may just swang the golf clubs on the greenz and simply say nothing at all.
Well this particular time we talked about being an adult in a troubled world. Ya know the expectations, wants and why it is what it isn't! Seems like my nephews have had a really good life and really have not had to hustle it up like many, but they still are really great young men. Typical- in the sense of not having the greatest of grades in school, not really landing that great paying job yet or having that killer apartment that is to die for, but they still reaching out for it!
I find that growing from Boyz 2 Men can be a pain or that is what New Edition said, because your body looks like a grown man, you are viewed as such from the general public's perspective, but you still don't have all the answers or know how to play the game of life. I tend to think the influence of the family is the catalyst of a successful transformation, but it doesn't always go down like that, or does it?
The simple truth is this. There is always 3 sides to every story. Your side, their side and of course, the truth. Parents often do (or supposedly) the very best with what they have to work with 4 the child. This may include 4-going some wants for self to ensure the kids are well taken care of. I know that I want to go to Hawaii and Africa 1 day, but not if it means my kids won't be able to get some new clothes, that needed toy or whatever. The parent is well aware of these sacrifices but the kids don't always see this behind the scene activity and may occasionally be disrespectful or show a lack of appreciation. What is a parent to do? Perhaps not give them money, kick them out the house or shun them until they act right? The Bible says at Proverbs 22v6....well you look it up and find the best possible solution to that dilemma ya dang self sucka.
I personally think the parents don't have 2 spoon feed a child to help him be successful, but I do think some creative methods must be tried, because usually there are no two kids who are exactly alike. What works 4 one may not work for the others.
Looking back over my life, I would say the change from being a Boy to a Man is based off this simple principle. Doing for self! I say this because most people do their best when they have no other option but success. You know the saying, having your back against the wall. For example, if getting my education is the only way out of the ghetto, I have no other choice but to give it 100% until it is accompolished. Anything less--- means I stay where I am and that's no bueno Lucy! I once saw a football team come from behind in score with 12 minutes left to play. Oh, did I mention that team over came a 35 point deficit? Imagine the results if that team would have lied down and just gave up. Obstacles are usually barriers in your way of success that require you to use skills that you didn't know you had!
So if the young people grow up with a great life, then when do they have the need to make it do or die? I am not condoning that someone needs to leave the kids out in the cold, but I am saying that we have to, as parents, make sure we are teaching the value of dollar and the importance of doing for self. I was told by friends that I am too difficult on my kids, because they have been cleaning and cooking for years. If something happens to me, I am confident that they know how to be self sufficient until I can get to them.
Being a man who handles is business is one of the most important jobs one can do because its the beginner leadership position. If a man can't lead his self or family then how can he progress to other positions of responsibility? So this week, I like to think that I learned that spending time with your kids and talking to them as well as listening to them is critical their future. Communication is the life blood of any relationship and before you can help others you must know how to get what you need or want 1st.
Look at the Asian cultures, they are known for encouraging their kids to be successful at school and that points is clear by the outcomes. So if your kids turn out as model citizens, I assure you that you fought the good fight and did as you were suppose to. If it turned out the other way, you may do well to look in the mirror and ask your self "Do you think you did all you were suppose to" "What would your child say about your parenting skills" "What can I do now".
I believe we are all accountable for our actions, but who can follow when no one ever lead? Take the silver spoon out of the mouths and place an arm around the should and some Wardz Words of WisDumbbb in their ears, because children are the future, and your kids who are boyz, which may never evolve into men scare me-lol!
eye AM warD........
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