*Called someone at the same time they were calling you?
*Doubted a decision you made or were about 2 make?
*Been looking at someone while driving and almost wrecked?
*Had a bad dream and woke up scard?
*Looked someone in the eye as they lied to you and they didn't know you knew?
*Lost money and it drove you crazy for weeks?
*Ate food that you knew would make you sick but it was soooo good?
*Procrastinated when you should have been working?
*Sang off key and didn't care because that was your jam?
*Dated a really bad kisser and stayed anyway?
*Cheated on a test?
*Felt you were "not" smarteR than a 5th grader?
*Told some1 something personal and they turned around and used it against U?
*Said yes and then said you meant to say no because you felt like it?
I am Ward.............
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