Is it me or does everyone keeps loosing friends from your high school years? Well I had the ummmm.....opportunity to speak with a hommie (ex) from back in the days about what we been through over the years and what we are currently up to now. I found speaking about the past to not only be tiresome, but more importantly a total waste of my time. After all, who can change the past now, or would even want to? I entertained the gazillion questions about decisions that I made considering us and things I chose not to do, but after a while, I was more eager to discuss my adult life and accomplishments and goals! This wasn't to be the case on this day-lol!
My friend was so enthralled with me being a playa from back in the days and why I couldn't commit to her (was mind blowing)? Honestly, I don't even recall the situation but if WE were meant to be, I guess we would have made that thing happen now wouldn't we? I mean what do you say about something from 20 years ago anyway?
Well, that situation goes way left from there. It seems my friend has had a pretty good life from her perspective. She has been all around the world from Alabama to Zimbabwe and moved into an all white neighborhood! I think all that is
great but I unfortunately think she has lost touch with her own culture. Many things in her life include the absence of black people. At the end of day, her choices and decisions do not affect me, but when you enter into a conversation with me....well Wardy has a right to his opinion-ya feelz me?
I was informed that African American men are pretty much inferior to white men. She has dated many white brothers (she is black) and said all white men are not created equal- with a smile. I don't know or care what that meant. She went as far as saying that blacks use language that white people in (((her))) circle would never use such as "Swagger". (Please note Swagger is not a new word and is located in Webster's dictionary). She stated her white friends would not even know what that word means? To make a long story short, we went back and fourth about black vs. white. I just couldn't understand why ((WE)) were having that debate-
right? I just feel like all men
R created equal. Now if we treat each other less than that, that is a different story. I know right now, she is probably twalking to her friends right now and they all on her syde telling her I am the one who is crazy-lol!
My so called friend questioned my credentials as an educator (they don't do things like that in her neighborhood she says) decisions on marriage and the type of cars I choose to flip as a side business. Looking back, my friend didn't have anything good to say about anything I said or did. Guess I am too black for her! One thing I use to teach my students is that when someone is trying to persuade you to their point of view, especially in an argument: They will quote the Bible, loud talk you, scream or what ever it takes to win. I saw all the signs from our conversation. Obviously some things from the past were unresolved issues that perhaps Dr. Phil could help with. I honestly don't know what ole girl has gone through, but something is missing and I feel that she had to speak to me to get somethings off her chest to feel better?? I hope it worked because I have long since left the "hot tub time machine".
Due to time constraints and the on set of another head ache, I left out many things and words, but I did learn this. What is in the
past is just that.....
the past. When you are 18-22 Marriage isn't usually your dominating thoughtz or at least not for me. I wish my friend the best and will always be your boi, but as for now.....we gotta continue to stay far far away. Catch me in another 20 years. Perhaps by then you will realize that their is good in bad in all people. Color of skin is just that, but the content of the character is what people should focus on. Finally friend please know this.....Love is the water of life, without love ….there is no life…Now get on back to your utopia called YOUR WORLD-LOL!
I am WaRd...