Sunday, May 30, 2010

Do we really care if they are sMoRt?

I was talking with some co-workers the other day about how tougher these agent questions are getting for these women. I remember Periz Hilton (an openly gay person) what judging a contest and was able to ask the following question. He asked a contestant what did she think about gay marriage? That was a set up question if I ever heard one! Of course if her response wasn't what Periz thought it should be, she could loose the contest. Well her response wasn't and she did in deed loose the contest!
My point is quite simply this: Do we really care if the the Miss America contestant knows the solution to world hunger or who is the greatest person she would love to meet from the past. I thought those contest use to be about a talent such as singing, dancing, cooking and looking good in your swim suit!
Can you image what it would look like if we had only geeks up on stage answering the tough questions of life in swim wear? Not that geeks are not sexy, but its something about pocket protectors that scare me! Anywho, I guess its just the world we live in.
I am WarD.......

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today at lunch I saw a nice older woman sitting on a bench. I thought to myself that I wanted to go over and strike up a conversation with her! As I got up to approach, she lite up a cigarette!!! I guess it is not uncommon for an 80 year old to puff the cancer stick, but I was caught off guard. She looked so peaceful as she took those deep drags. I began to think what could have got her started on such a terrible habit? Was it her husband who got her started, was it curiosity at a high velocity or was it just because???
I called my guy and him what made him start his habit. He told me that he was in Iraq and just sitting out there in there dessert with another Marine who was chain smoking and he asked for one to kill the time and had 3 more and each day they did it together and talked about life. He found one day that was addicted.
At the end of the day we all have our vices and have to answer for our choices-right? I just hate to see such a blatant disrespect of life....
I am Ward.....

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Have you ever ..................

*Called someone at the same time they were calling you?

*Doubted a decision you made or were about 2 make?

*Been looking at someone while driving and almost wrecked?

*Had a bad dream and woke up scard?

*Looked someone in the eye as they lied to you and they didn't know you knew?

*Lost money and it drove you crazy for weeks?

*Ate food that you knew would make you sick but it was soooo good?

*Procrastinated when you should have been working?

*Sang off key and didn't care because that was your jam?

*Dated a really bad kisser and stayed anyway?

*Cheated on a test?

*Felt you were "not" smarteR than a 5th grader?

*Told some1 something personal and they turned around and used it against U?

*Said yes and then said you meant to say no because you felt like it?

I am Ward.............

Saturday, May 22, 2010



-Malcolm X.....
- I am wArD......

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

40 million dollars Slaves........

What is about athletes that captures our attention and dollars? I mean are they doing something that I/we can't do our selves if we had the time, the drive and the equipment? I know personally I was an average basketball player all my life, but who knows what couple have happen with a small push from parents (not that I am blaming them). I am more than sure that I would not be writing this blog from work, but from a small island in the south pacific!
O.k. back to reality, the thing that got me tripping on this day is the expectations and treatment of the celebrities that we create! If need be-we can go back to the Roman Gladiator days down to Babe Ruth to Micheal Jordan to Tiger Woods. Do we, as spectators, expect perfection both on and off the field? Take for example, this baseball player who didn't chase down a baseball recently with the zest that the fans wanted. Well the manager checked him and took him out the game. The player was like so what! Later the next day the player apologized to all his team mates and got back in the starting line up and got a homer in the next game. I guess all is forgiven and forgotten now-right? Honestly that seems to be the way it goes for super stars because the baseball player I was speaking of has a guaranteed contract for $70 million. The team could release him today, but they still would have to pay him. Therefore, he can get away with anything as long as he says ""Sorry"".
Well this has got me thinking about our youth today. In schools, kids can cuss out their teachers, fight other students, act a straight fool on the school bus and let us not even think about completing homework! The punishment........a stern talking with, in school suspension or maybe a day or two outta school and then its back to the same old thang! Why did we ever stop paddling these kids? Like the super star athletes.....there is no deterrent or fear of anything. At the end of the day, it starts at home. If parents don't train a boy up from infancy, how will he know when he is older?
I don't expect perfection from anyone consider how many things I need to work on my dang self, but I just get bummed out sometimes at how the double standards of those who have and those who have far less are treated! It seems like society can accept the missteps or lapse in character judgements from a person who entertains them vs someone who just irrates them. Need I say Mel Gibson, Kramer from the Seinfeld show, Dog the bounty hunter and Lindsay Lowhand...wheeeew! All have messed up royally and back on top! But what about the 18 year black boy who have sex with his 17 year old white girlfriend? Why did he have to go to jail? Was it was because he was on the honor roll with a 4.0 GPA or was it because he wasn't shooting the ball through the hoop with a 85% accuracy rate!
Its crazy but I feel the message society is telling us is- that if you are a 40 million dollar slave you got a license to ((ILL)) until you stop doing what you do! Suckers.....
I aM WaRd....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Reasons why sooooooooooo many BLACK woman are SINGLE

How many times have I heard single sisters say "all the good men are taken, in jail, dead or gay", "all men are dawgs" or "why can't I find a man period". Honestly I can dig that cause its basically 7 women to every man in this world and the nicer looking brothers have slightly higher percentages-lol! Well, Wardy has given this issue some thought time and came up with my own reasons as to the problem. Now keep in mind, that I may feel this way and you may feel another, but that is what makes us individuals!
I have chosen my top reasons that MUST be addressed prior to these single sisters becoming ----unsingle---- if you will. Numero Uno is Drama. Women tend to use 500-1000 more words per day than men do! So quite naturally if we make y'all madd we can count on an argument that is based on emotion and a strong desire to be heard. Of course the yelling comes along with the drama portion, but (((WHY))). I wonder, do women think if they raise their voices that men will suddenly say....... Oooooh, Now I see your point-<<>>! Ladies, men are really great listners, which explains all the great sports team. We Listen, but yall gotta say what you mean and not what you later say "I meant this or that"! If you wrote down what you wanted us to know, I am 100% sure the extra words would be omitted-lol! Why not leave the drama alone and focus on being a compliment to the man you seekith? Find out what men like (ask us- it works)and then do it.....Geesh Louise
2ND up is JEALOUSY. I clearly understand natural jealousy but when a women starts to quizzing you like you on Jeopardy, you got problems! I know of women who call men's jobs to actually see if they are at work. I have personally witnessed women hold due legs while they beg them not to leave them. My favorite is the woman who wants a dude so bad that she hears what she wants and not what he said. Word of advice: Always go with what the guys SAYS and NOT what he does. If he says I only want to be cool with you and then he sexes you....He still only wants to be cool UNLESS he says otherwise! It amazes me how many times women think that the situation has changed cuz of sex!!!
Situation Trey!!!! I love it when a female turns to God, but when you try to force your would be mate into the journey with you, especially when you don't have your footings set is a rough ride unless he ready......slow your roll pimpN! The only person we can change in ANY relationship is ourselves! (Please re-read the last sentence). Men love them a christian woman because of how yall move and make us stick our chest out a little bit when you come around. However, men can be won without a word, by your actions alone. Let me explain this a little bit. If you reading your word, applying and making changes in your life- it is sooo sexy! Really, why would a man leave a T-bone steak to go to Burger King even if he could have it his way......He Won't silly, because a christian woman wants to please God first and then her man, which is a win-win situation for everyone.
How could I end this blog without mentioning Sista Loud Mouth! Sometimes when a sista has been solo so long that she has issues with the man taking the lead in the relationship. She will get in the man's face and go toe to toe over any and every issue. I guess pick your battles does not apply here-lol! One sista related to me how she let this brotha move in with her after 3 weeks (claims she knew him back in high school 20 years earlier) she was frustated cuz he wouldn't put the toliet seat back down and he used her deordearnt. She was really be side her self. Change is hard because no matter how bad it is- Its all we know and the change may be worse than what we have right? That is how this type of woman thinks...thus she is single!
I can't explain the finer details of this issue in a 6 minute blog but I will summarize it like this........
Men don't care about how much money you make, what kind of car you drive. We just want what we like. So if you don't want to be a single sister with 5 cats in an empty house- accept that men are simple and need our basic needs met and we will give yall what ever you want/need. We usually have two ears, so clip the yelling, loose the drama and unnatural jealousy. Learn to say I am a great catch and I love myself. Notice, I didn't say "I love myself but.....! That is a joy kill. You will find and keep a good man as soon as you become a good woman!
I am WaRd....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tested - TRIED and troubled....

Today eye realized that health problems, economic hardships, or family difficulties-even our own actions-produce changes in our lives. I am a strong believer in no mistakes allowed, therefore everything for me is a learning experience. Either I learned that this method worked or I no longer want to exercise that method again, ya feelz me? O.k. here is the beginning of my point! I have been studying humility and how or why should I implement this in my own personal life. Ya wonna hear about it, heeeear it goes.....
Humility involves having a submissive attitude (or unresistingly or humbly obedient according to By not playing down others' qualities and successes, we will better appreciate who they are and what they do. Also, humility may enable us to understand why something has happened to us and how to deal with it. With that being said, I also realized that of great importance is the quality of modesty or being aware of one's limitations. The scriputures says that the wise man thinks before he speaks-does he not? Better yet, a meek person will have mildness of temper in hot situations. Has someone ever cut you off on the highway, falsely accused you of some hurtful act, defamed your character or just plain hurt your feelings???? I know all have happen 2 me. But the meek person will endure these injuries with patience and w/o irritation, resentment, vindictiveness!! Developing this quality of MEEKNESS is so hard for me but I gotta try. I really admire the man Moses- from the Bible because he was the meekest of all. He allowed himself to be teachable and molded. He realized that when the above mentioned happened to us, it would behoove us to remember that we all have sinned and made similar mistakes and should try to let the issue die (what ever it is)at least on our end!
Recently, I dealt with a series of less than positive events and it is really tested who I am trying to beome/be. I just don't know if I can be a meek person. I want too- but reality is hard on my back. Some consider meekness a weakness and I comprehend that perspective.
All I want to express in this blog is this--Meekness is indispensable to our individual growth! All of us entrusted with being responsible for our families, our children, oversight of employees or leadership- need to be meek. We must resist being PROUD when faced with changes that enables us to deal with situations with the right attitude. Our reactions are important. Always view these opportunities that test our characters as people as a unique chance to cultivate meekness. Those of you I have wronged, Please forgive me....
I am WaRd......

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We (the universe) love you........sucka

Life Is A Gift
Life is an opportunity, …. benefit from it.
Life is beauty, …. admire it.
Life is bliss, …. taste it.
Life is a dream, …. realize it.
Life is a challenge, …. meet it.
Life is a duty, …. complete it.
Life is a game, …. play it.
Life is a promise, …. fulfill it
Life is sorrow, …. overcome it.
Life is a song, …. sing it.
Life is a struggle, …. accept it.
Life is a tragedy…. confront it.
Life is an adventure, …. dare it.
Life is love, …. make it.
Life is too precious, …. do not destroy it.
Life is from Jehovah, …. fight for it.

by Mother Theresa
I am WaRd.......

Sunday, May 2, 2010

......But you think I am the one who is crazy??????

Is it me or does everyone keeps loosing friends from your high school years? Well I had the ummmm.....opportunity to speak with a hommie (ex) from back in the days about what we been through over the years and what we are currently up to now. I found speaking about the past to not only be tiresome, but more importantly a total waste of my time. After all, who can change the past now, or would even want to? I entertained the gazillion questions about decisions that I made considering us and things I chose not to do, but after a while, I was more eager to discuss my adult life and accomplishments and goals! This wasn't to be the case on this day-lol!
My friend was so enthralled with me being a playa from back in the days and why I couldn't commit to her (was mind blowing)? Honestly, I don't even recall the situation but if WE were meant to be, I guess we would have made that thing happen now wouldn't we? I mean what do you say about something from 20 years ago anyway?
Well, that situation goes way left from there. It seems my friend has had a pretty good life from her perspective. She has been all around the world from Alabama to Zimbabwe and moved into an all white neighborhood! I think all that is great but I unfortunately think she has lost touch with her own culture. Many things in her life include the absence of black people. At the end of day, her choices and decisions do not affect me, but when you enter into a conversation with me....well Wardy has a right to his opinion-ya feelz me?
I was informed that African American men are pretty much inferior to white men. She has dated many white brothers (she is black) and said all white men are not created equal- with a smile. I don't know or care what that meant. She went as far as saying that blacks use language that white people in (((her))) circle would never use such as "Swagger". (Please note Swagger is not a new word and is located in Webster's dictionary). She stated her white friends would not even know what that word means? To make a long story short, we went back and fourth about black vs. white. I just couldn't understand why ((WE)) were having that debate-right? I just feel like all men R created equal. Now if we treat each other less than that, that is a different story. I know right now, she is probably twalking to her friends right now and they all on her syde telling her I am the one who is crazy-lol!
My so called friend questioned my credentials as an educator (they don't do things like that in her neighborhood she says) decisions on marriage and the type of cars I choose to flip as a side business. Looking back, my friend didn't have anything good to say about anything I said or did. Guess I am too black for her! One thing I use to teach my students is that when someone is trying to persuade you to their point of view, especially in an argument: They will quote the Bible, loud talk you, scream or what ever it takes to win. I saw all the signs from our conversation. Obviously some things from the past were unresolved issues that perhaps Dr. Phil could help with. I honestly don't know what ole girl has gone through, but something is missing and I feel that she had to speak to me to get somethings off her chest to feel better?? I hope it worked because I have long since left the "hot tub time machine".
Due to time constraints and the on set of another head ache, I left out many things and words, but I did learn this. What is in the past is just that.....the past. When you are 18-22 Marriage isn't usually your dominating thoughtz or at least not for me. I wish my friend the best and will always be your boi, but as for now.....we gotta continue to stay far far away. Catch me in another 20 years. Perhaps by then you will realize that their is good in bad in all people. Color of skin is just that, but the content of the character is what people should focus on. Finally friend please know this.....Love is the water of life, without love ….there is no life…Now get on back to your utopia called YOUR WORLD-LOL!
I am WaRd...

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...