Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Women always have a string of complaints against their male partners & especially their husbands on a range of things, from his kids to forgetting the day they first drank water together. Sure, men are borderline idiotic at times, but women can and really do get on our last good nerves.

For women who want to know which of their habits qualify as annoying, here’s a list:

1. Her habit of asking his opinion on how she looks every time she wears a new dress or while going out with him on a date. Us poor men are caught in a trap because no matter what we say, she’s not going to believe it.
2. Her habit of constantly talking and especially telling him too much about her friends, their secrets, their partners and what great couples they are. Men find this annoying because we don’t have anything to do with these secrets about her friends. We also know they talk about us to them. If a dog will bring a bone, he surely will take a bone when he leaves.....
 3. Men usually hate it when a woman refuses to give any suggestion even when asked for one, such as for ordering food or picking a tv show to watch but don’t hesitate to criticize us if something isn't right, and quick to say " I was gonna say that", but somehow never did say it until after the fact!
4. It’s very annoying when women stay quiet and deny anything’s wrong when they’re upset. They somehow expect the men to read their minds and understand what the reason behind their bad mood is. I called this passive aggressive behaviors.
5. No one likes to be compared to their partner’s ex. But women usually do this, especially when they’re excited or upset about a similar situation they may have encountered in their previous relationship. I don't think they are always aware that they even do this but it slips out sometimes.
6. Women tend to be or act suspicious about their partner’s actions. It could be for something as simple as a night out with friends or a lunch with a female colleague, but they can't tell when the janitor at work is hitting on them. Its really a form of a double standard at its worst!!!!
7. Having kids from a previous relationship is very hard when the woman is insecure or jealous of the past. A man who loves his kids won't feel you love him if you reject his kids. Even God feels that way about Jesus....
8. Women can't answer yes or no questions with a yes or no response. No need to expound.
9. If a man doesn't feel respected by his woman, why does he need her on his team. Life can disrespect him daily and he doesn't have to take care of it when it is sick. Women will get all up in a dudes face but won't say nothing to her boss at work for treating her like crap (SMH)...

*Shout to all the women who know their roles and have a happy life and loving relationships.
I am WarD....

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Just shut up and let her be right.................said no man!

    I recalled some of the silly arguments that people have told me about. I personally don't think couples should ever have to argue with each other. I mean how many times do employees argue with their bosses? And for those who do fight with their bosses.......well we all know how well that turns out. Call me old school, but I believe that good old communication seasoned with love can go a lot further than using that mouth piece for bad. They say if you want to go fast--Go alone but if you want to go further--take others with you.
     Read some of the fights below and think how fortunate you are that this ain't you!
  • "I basically had a temper tantrum because I burned grilled cheese sandwiches and he was trying to give me advice and be helpful. I slammed the spatula down and told him that he could do it himself and went to my room to pout!" - Beth H.
  •  "Married one month, together 22 years and still fighting over who gets to pee first when we wake up together. Tried going together but too messy." - Ron F. 
  •  "Who was going to get back out of bed to turn the light off. We are both stubborn so we slept all night with the light on." - Raechelle A.
  •  "When I was pregnant I cried because he made tater tots for dinner and I didn't like them. Fought about it for two days." - Stephanie H.
  •  "How to spend hypothetical lottery winnings." - Shannon G.
  •   "One day he came home from work and I was already asleep. He went to cuddle me facing each other. I told him he was stealing my air and went to turn over. Lo and behold, we had a fight about cuddling." - Bek P.
  •  "On our honeymoon we had this big discussion about whether or not penguins laid eggs. This was before smartphones and I was thinking, 'Omg, this idiot won't agree with me.'" - Karri R.
  •  "What to watch on Netflix. Nightly argument." - Tess H.
  •   "We argued about something that we both agreed on because we both couldn't understand each other's sentences." - Shonda W.*
 "Coat check tickets. My husband could not find them at the end of snowy night at a night club. I asked him if they were in his jeans pocket. He snapped 'Of course, I already checked there!' We took separate cabs and arrived at our home at the same time, me shivering without my coat, Paul with my coat in his hands. 'Where were the tickets?' I asked. Yep, they were in his jeans pocket." - Kierra .

Love is something that is hard to find and easy to loose, yet millions get married and divorced yearly. Just image how life would be if we all learned how to effectively communicate and know our roles in relationships.
I am WarD........

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...