Friday, December 18, 2015
The 6 month it o.k. to Marry someone that soon in the game?????
Two unique times this week I have spoken with people about how soon is too soon to move 4ward in the dating relationship. Perhaps my perspective is different than someone who tends to be a follower. I say follower because 95% of the world's population are considered followers, while only 5% tend to be leaders or thinkers. For example, when you walk in a meeting room- have you ever noticed that the majority of people in said room will fill up the back of the room, much faster than filling up the front of the room. So 95% of the people are in the rear and the 5% in the front (including the speaker) are considered the leaders.
Moving on, my first encounter happened on social media. A relationship writer post his ideals about moving in and getting married soon after know each other after 1 year. He said it the relationship is doomed because of this short time length. I responded to him that I think after 6 months of dating that you pretty much know the infrastructure of the other person. Of course, everyone changes, some for the worse and some for the better. I am not necessarily saying you have to marry the person on the 1st day of the 6th month of dating, but you can start to make them wedding plans for the near future, but moving in before marriage is not an option for success. I find it comparable to a job. When someone starts a job, the employer interviews the person, does a back ground check and then have the team meet the person before extending an offer. Then guess what happens next? The person gets full benefits after a probationary period. The ironic thing, is that we spend more quality time with our co-workers and at our job, then we spend with our mates. I say that because we have to be open and honest when hiring an employee, so like wise, we must be when dating someone. So if 2 people want to be in an relationship, with the goal of marriage, and they are being open and honest and not pretending to be something they are not (the six month front). After the probationary period ends, you know if you want to spend the rest of your life with said person, making memories as you get to know them better: Helping each other become the best person they can be! Heck, the biggest decisions we make in our lives are 1). Dedication to Jehovah 2).Marriage 3) Home Purchase 4). Buying a car. Think about how long we test drive a car before buying that.......hummmm
My point is all about the mind set of marriage mates. If you want to be successful at marriage, then do successful things that people do. Pray together regularly, be best friends, be honest and never treat anyone better than you treat your mate! If you want a fling, do what ever you been doing, you know your own story, lol!
Dang, I don't have time for the 2nd story. Let's just say I spoke to someone about thinking marriage will make all their issues get better or go away. Hummm, like I said that will be a later blog.
*(Please note that not every couple will be perfect. Some people date for sport and the results are typical. My blog refers those we believe in love in a biblical sense).
I am WarD.........................
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Eyez don't see nothing wrong.....
Eye miss you kissing my lipz, consoling my confidence
I"ll proably just ring the heart of something that never sent
Scars 4 da flesh, war wounds 4 da soul...
Success is another test
and we always wanted the highest scores
Momz did her job, even found a husband to love
But it never was enough cause I use to be a silent thug
Tears fall all the way to the South of France
Poverty line hand lower than yung hard headz pants
Never been to I-hopppp, would've been so out of place
after we washed plates and they was always out of steak
Ya know that ain't cool cuz We were born in sin
Came to win the title, Wardy waving at you from the stands
True love was just a myth, I can always plead the fifth
Plain and pleasure, searching for buried treasure simply nothingness....
I am WarD......
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Real life dumb couple fightz......I don't love you enough to hate you......
1). WHAT YOU WANNA EAT? Omg, this question dang near causes divorce instantly because of myriad of responses. Dude says what you want to eat tonight? Females asks what is he in the mood for and dude said he don't care because he is starving. Female cool, we could go to that new Chinese spot on 52nd and Keystone. I hear they got really good orange chicken and noodles. Dude says- Yeah I am cool on that Chinese food, I hear they be substituting dog meat sometimes. Female says oh o.k, what about Chili's 2 for $20 because I love their chips and salsa an appetizer! Again dude says, I don't want that place either, the food is too bland. What else you got? The sad thing about it is, neither really know what they want to eat, unless they are alone, then they suddenly end up at a eating spot with no arguments. I think I just solved problem number 1, lol!
2). Communication Issues. What makes it so easy for our mates to be so loving to co-workers, friends and relatives, but can't talk to you without rolling their eyes and 14 deep breaths and sighs because you asked who left the bathroom light on again? Nothing makes me matter than seeing someone treat a stranger better than their mate. I mean who is gonna be there when you are sick (your boss, co-worker or you girlfriend) to help you. I think this can be a strong factor toward the demise of a relationship. Something happens to couples the longer they stay together. They may feel they have to raise their voices to get their point across, perhaps saying something like " I don't think doing such and such is not a good idea and this is the reason why......Nahhhhh that sounds to much like logic doesn't it. Other couples I see out can't put their phone down long enough to just have a conversation about life with their mate. Texting is so common now, that no one really talks on the phone for long. I saw a man get so irate at his partner for texting during dinner that he got up and went to the restroom and never came back. I can feel dude's pain because, again....if we was at our job and a customer was at our station, would we be texting while they are standing there? What makes it so differntly with our mates? Communication is the life blood of any good relationship, but then again we have a high divorce rate in America sooooooooooooooooooo.....
3). The Back Seat Driver. With all the GPS technology and smart phones out there, why do we need our mate to remind us to apply pressure to the break "NOW" to avoid hitting the car in front of us. Or what about the mate who swears they know the fastest route to said destination. And pleas don't try to back up into the garage with your mate in the car. Heck you can't look out the side view mirror because their big O.J. Simpson looking head is all in the way trying to help guide you in (forget the back up camera that came with your new car). My cousin Tony once told me that its only one person on his drivers license for a reason. I guess the back seat driver ain't never thought of that huh? The ironic thing is the back seat driver usually has a ba-jillion tickets and battle wounds on thier car and yet they know how to help you! Really?????????
Yeah couples fighting is a real situation but sometimes it would behoove the couple, to just stop and say I will never treat anyone better than I treat you. And of course live up to it......
I am Ward......
Sunday, December 6, 2015
The Vet, the hall and the couple....
Went to the hall and heard a great talk by a brother I didn't know until we went out to lunch with my best friend Derrick and his wife and the Fine family (speakers last name). I really enjoyed the talk because he talked about things that I was feeling. He mentioned how people are like porcupines, saying how sometimes we hurt each other unintentionally -but if we don't get along with people we will be all alone in this world because no one is perfect yet. He also supported his talk from the scriptures letting go of resentment. I agree, its not worth my time to be upset with someone or something that has occurred. Its in the past and I live in the present and looking forward the future.
Fast forward to lunch at Ponderosa Steak-house Sunday, I got to talk to this couple and found them quite enjoyable. They have been married about 33 years old and still very happy. I was elated to see the joy in their faces as they spoke about their life, travels and goals. I saw how his wife has deep respect for him and how he truly loves her. It was refreshing to see a couple doing it the way Jehovah says and seeing it actually in action working! They admitted they have had their issues like any other couples but they always show respect. I pretty much learned that couples complement each other and look for a mate that lacks with missing in their personality. A shy person wants an outspoken mate, a homebody tends to gravitate toward a outgoing person. Opposites attract, right? Again, great couple and good conversation, looking forward to seeing them again.
Overall, this has been a good weekend for me. I am ready to hit the work week and make new memories and continue trying to make myself a better man.
I am Ward......
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