Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life ain't fair but what else is new?

Some want the $$$ and fame, while others just want to make it with out drawing to much unasked for attention. Eye must admit, I see a nice big house with the well manicured lawn and think to myself  "what a wonderful life".  But on the flip syde, I understand the benefits of keeping my eye simple and being happy with what I have. Point: Many of those nice homes that I see are often empty  (excluding the pets) because the owners have to work many hours to pay for those palaces! So is it really worth it? Some surprisingly say (((YES))).
I say Life ain't fair, because the American dream doesn't come with a blue print. It usually comes with a thick manuscript entitled: TRIAL AND ERRORS. How many times have we heard someone say, "if I only would have known then what I know now". Of course 20/20 is hindsight! Two people can work at the same job, drive the same type of car, and work right next to each other and have very different automobile car notes, interest rates and mortgage notes. Should I get better customer service if I wear a shirt and tie- Do better with neater penmanship get higher grades- and will have a college degree ensure my job future???? That is what society calls fair, but I see some very interesting reasons why it is very uncool.
Does it really come down to who ya know verses what you know in this land of milk and honey? Consider a man who works as the fry cook for 3 months at McDonalds and then one day out the blue that sucka is promoted to President of McDonalds......hummmm. I am just saying Life aint fair.
The real question is why is this fact my truth and what can be done about it. Here is to egg on your face!
I am Ward.....

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

When a child dies......

The death of a child a traumatic 4 the survivors, especially for the parents. I know of a mother whose 16 year old son was fatally burned in a tragic accident. She said, "God doesn't allow us to trade places with our dying children, neither does he allow us to die with them".
Yet, she was not w/o hope, as she explained:"God has told us the truth about death, and this keeps my husband and me from becoming bitter or losing our minds". She said that she knows God did not do this to her son and he has purposed to resurrect te dead to a paradise earth. In her mind's eye, she can see her son alive, health and happy ling among his friends and family".
Still, even those with confident hope in God's promise of a resurrection need comfort, which this mother gratefully received from many friends. She noted: Many of the scriptural thoughts and acts of  kindness shared with her and her husband came from the brochure "When Someone You Love Dies".
 I encourage everyone to read this brochure if give the opportunity 2 help better understand the grief of losing a child, spouse or anyone that is loved.
I am WarD...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Wardy Home Werk Tipz 4 da Kids.......

Designate a space for homework and study to underscore the importance of these practices. Keep essential tools in one place, like books, pens and paper!  Establish a tech-free zone to avoid distractions. Turn off TVs, ban text messaging and limit the computer to research tasks.
Create a routine. Choose a time that works best for the child to do homework and stick to that time every day. "Work before play" can motivate kids to get their homework done, but if the child plays sports -gymnastics in my girls case or has after-school commitments, doing homework after dinner may be best.
Provide students with smart tools and study aids to help along the way. As students of all ages are facing increased pressure to perform, these products help students optimize time spent on homework and study and gain the control and confidence they need to meet their goals.
Map out assignments and plot homework on a schedule for simple reminders of daily, weekly or long-term assignments. Include other engagements like sports and music lessons to help kids have a clear picture of their schedule.

My kids kind of came of with this list on their own and I think it works good enough for straight A's from then to now, so I am good with it. You might like this simple list too! I also suggest spending time with your kids and talking about life in general. Its a great way to show you care and be in touch with your tax dependant!!!!

I am Ward.....

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Random pics from around the marble

I am WarD



1. Listen to educational podcasts on your commute.

 2. Sign up for a few good email newsletters to score some extra factoids for casual conversation.

 3. Whenever people are talking about the economy, just say, “It is only 1 solution for mankind's issues. Jehovah God!

 4. When someone asks you the last good book you read, just say “I can barely keep up with the New Yorker!”

 5. On that note, have a favorite writer, book and artist ready to name drop.

 6. Pick one or two longform essays to read each week.

 7. Learn one new word a day and try to use it (naturally!) in conversation.

 8. Hang out with people who are… less smart.

 9. Be confident! You probably seem pretty smart by now!

I AM WARD......

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...