Several months ago I realized that I had a small growth on the back of my head. Like most men, I just ignored it and kept it moving. Well, as time passed by my kids began to notice it and started calling me names like lumpty lump lump and Alfred Hitch-KNOT! I figured I would break down and bite the insurance bullet and let a physician take a look at it and tell your boi what the situation really was.
Well after several tests, the results came back that it was just a formation of non cancerous fat that sometimes form in people bodies. The doctor suggested that I leave it be because it nothing. I asked what my other options were and he said 1). Do nothing and live with it and keep in mind that it may get bigger 2). Have it removed by a plastic surgeon and have a permanent small scar 3) Try and massage it away- this method has a 99% failure rate!
Clearly from the picture above, I chose to have it removed with option # 2. Keep in mind that I am a person who rarely gets sick, so the ideal of going in for a 20 minute experience was monumental for me. I asked a ton of questions until I felt comfortable. I made it clear under no circumstances that being put to sleep was not an option. I was assured that my concerns would not be an issue. Fast forward to procedure day and I was told to arrive at 8:00 to pre register again (I did this once via the telephone). O.k. I did all this and now found myself in the lobby sitting next to a young lady snoring EXTRA loud while somehow holding her 2 year old child in her lap at a rather odd angel. On the other side was a man in a wheel chair with an oxygen tank that was not connect to the tank but securely in place around his nose ( I figured I would not tell him that he wasn't connected because Clearly the mind was tricked). There was a Hispanic fellow who refused to sit down near us common folk for some odd reason. I noticed people there dressed like they was ready for the freak show at Wal Mart on any give Friday night and didn't seem to mind.
Well after 21 minutes of this show, a lady began shouting out the name of what sounded like Willie Ford. I asked the man next to me what she said and he said what I heard, so I asked the lady did she mean Ward??? She snapped and said "I been calling your name all mourning, so hurry up so we can get this show on the road, the Doctor has been waiting on you!" I immediately felt a burning rage slowly igniting in my mind. So I asked the lady was she having a bad day because I had planned on having a good experience on that day. I explained I was listening tentatively for my name and that he only called the incorrect name twice. She ignored me and continued to talk cray cray to your boi. I told her that we can get me a more professional Nurse because I am someone important and I can take my $$$ to another facility." About that time, 2 co-workers recognized me and greeted me with warm smiles along with a Doctor and guess who figured out I was an employee their????? She changed her entire attitude and apologized for her actions thus far. I didn't want to forgive her but I knew it was the right thing to do.
Next comes the anesthesiologist, they put the IV things in my hands and told me what to expect. I mentioned that this was suppose to be a quick procedure without me getting undressed and going into the surgery room. She gave me some words about it just procedure. I stated that under no circumstances did I want to be put to sleep. She assured me again, that it was cool and I would be sent to a happy place? I said what happy place and how do I get back, she said I would get just a little propofol!!!! I said oh hecky to the knoll, because that's how they got Michael Jackson. She then says that he killed himself because he was home in his living room administrating it himself. I corrected her again, by saying that Dr. Conrad Murray was there with him. She just looked at me and said we can talk about it in a minute. Now we going down the hallway to a room that had 15 people moving rapidly doing something close to nothing and smiling at me. They put me on a narrow table and said stretch my arms out to give me some meds. I said no propofol because I need to be awake, they said o.k. and while I was mid sentence I felt the meds kick in and 3 secs later I was in another room talking to a new Nurse about her bad kids. I was like whooaaaa, what just happened here? And who are you? Believe me, I understand how Michael Jackson was killed messing with that drug!!!! I bet he still don't know he dead yet?
With that being said, my lump has been taken away and replaced with a bad stitch job and what feels like a Joan Rivers face lift type of feeling in my head. No one can accurately predict the future, but if I would have know it was gonna play out like this, I would have kept my lump and grew out a nice afro. I still can't believe I went in for a 5 min in office procedure that turned into an episode of Mash! O.k. I survived the surgery but moving forward, I am keeping everything else I came with or later grow lol!
I am Ward (minus the lump)