Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Response to Wardie's Last blog by a female reader............(She was trippin btw!!)

I know you didn’t mention me directly in your blog Sir- so, I’m a drop a little knowledge I found valuable and may explain a lot of why women are like they are:

We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves SMALLER, We say to girls, you can have ambition, but NOT TOO much.  You should aim to be successful, but NOT TOO successful.  Otherwise you will threaten the MAN.  Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to MARRIAGE.  I am expected to make my life choices, always keeping in mind that MARRIAGE is the MOST important.  Now marriage can be a source of JOY & LOVE and mutual support.  But why do WE teach girls to aspire to MARRIAGE and we don’t teach BOYS the SAME?????

We raise girls to see each other as COMPETITORS (forming no sister loyalty), not for jobs or for accomplishments.  Which I think can be a good thing.  But for the attention of men, WE teach girls that they CANNOT be sexual beings.  In the way that boys are. 

Feminist: the person who believes in the social political, and economic quality of the sexes.  Know can you understand why we have Bitter Barbara, Religious Rhonda, Demanding Deena, & Victimized Vicky, but you forgot about BS-ing Bill, Lazy Love Larry, Never Marrying Nelson, & Half Giving Henry, where dat blog….drop mic. 

Ward says: I think I am gonna have to give you a free one on one lesson on this woman's worth- for $19.95 (+tax)

I am Ward...

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The type of women who stays single the longest.....

Bitter Barbara is a type of women who makes many outward attempts at femininity, yet is hard to the core. She is a disenfranchised woman who has been deeply hurt by a man and consequently blames all men for her pain. She most likely gave one man all of herself unconditionally although he may not have deserved it. Bitter Barbara has spent years blaming all men for the actions of one or a few and is so hard on every man who would dare to love her like he is the one who personally hurt her. She has not been able to rationally separate the “baby from the bathwater,” therefore throws both out. What Bitter Barbara may fail to realize is that she perhaps had many “good” Black men come in and out of her life, but she couldn’t see past her pain.

 Religious Rhonda is the type of woman who is religious, yet lacks spirituality. She is looking for Jesus incarnate and if Jesus were to knock on her door, he would not measure up to her standards either. Religious Rhonda is looking for a man who doesn’t exits. She refuses to accept that the only “perfect” man is one who may be perfect for her. Therefore, no man is ever good enough. Yet, she sits around complaining with her girlfriends who are “birds of a feather flocking together,” that there are no available “good” Black men because they are either in jail, in prison, homosexual or don’t want anything more in life.
 Religious Rhonda can quote the scripture like you wouldn’t believe. She knows the word frontwards and backwards; however she fails to understand the deeper principles of the scripture and its application that comes along with being a spiritual person.

Demanding Deena is so hard to please that no matter what you do for her she is never satisfied. Demanding Deena does not realize the difference between demanding something with her mouth and commanding it with her actions. With a Demanding Deena, everything is urgent and priority when it comes to her needs. She has an attitude that she is owed something and everything must cease until her needs are met.
Demanding Deena is very needy and believes that the source of her happiness lies in the hands of the man in her life. She is extremely frustrated and it’s obvious that she needs some sort of release, but fails to understand that she has unrealistic expectations. Her expectations of him are far above what is rational or even fair. There is no room for shortcomings as anyone she deals with must be on top of his game 100% of the time.

Victimized Vicky refuses to what her dude asks of her. She said giving 50% to the relationship is more than adequate for success. She says a man is suppose to love her no matter what she does to him. If she doesn't say what she means, he will be expected figure her out and accept he was the one in error. Keeping her word is something to do with others. Vicky has the ability to remember the past mistakes of her dude and remind him that every woman in the world (except her) is evil, especially those he had a relationship with in the past. Vicky has a propensity to emasculate her dude and then wonder why the relationship has gone south.......again!

This blog is simply rhetorical. Give it some thought and figure out how you fit in suckers.....

I am Ward

Thursday, June 19, 2014

They say love is blind........but really?????

 A Woman Marries the Man Who Blinded Her

In 1959, New Yorker Bert Pugach was having an affair with Linda Riss. When she found out about his wife and child, she broke it off. Enraged and despondent, he hired three men to attack her, so they threw lye in her face, blinding and disfiguring her. The subsequent trial was sensational. Although he claimed that he acted out of love, the jury sentenced him to 15 years. Still, the two corresponded while he was in jail. Either moved by his devotion, wanting to punish him, or because she had nowhere else to turn, Bert and Linda married in 1974; she died in 2013. They wrote a book and appeared in a documentary aptly entitled Crazy Love.

I am Ward.....

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Did I just have surgery?????

Several months ago I realized that I had a small growth on the back of my head. Like most men, I just ignored it and kept it moving. Well, as time passed by my kids began to notice it and started calling me names like lumpty lump lump and Alfred Hitch-KNOT! I figured I would break down and bite the insurance bullet and let a physician take a look at it and tell your boi what the situation really was.
Well after several tests, the results came back that it was just a formation of non cancerous fat that sometimes form in people bodies. The doctor suggested that I leave it be because it nothing. I asked what my other options were and he said 1). Do nothing and live with it and keep in mind that it may get bigger 2). Have it removed by a plastic surgeon and have a permanent small scar 3) Try and massage it away- this method has a 99% failure rate!
Clearly from the picture above, I chose to have it removed with option # 2. Keep in mind that I am a person who rarely gets sick, so the ideal of going in for a 20 minute experience was monumental for me. I asked a ton of questions until I felt comfortable. I made it clear under no circumstances that being put to sleep was not an option. I was assured that my concerns would not be an issue. Fast forward to procedure day and I was told to arrive at 8:00 to pre register again (I did this once via the telephone). O.k. I did all this and now found myself in the lobby sitting next to a young lady snoring EXTRA loud while somehow holding her 2 year old child in her lap at a rather odd angel. On the other side was a man in a wheel chair with an oxygen tank that was not connect to the tank but securely in place around his nose ( I figured I would not tell him that he wasn't connected because Clearly the mind was tricked). There was a Hispanic fellow who refused to sit down near us common folk for some odd reason. I noticed people there dressed like they was ready for the freak show at Wal Mart on any give Friday night and didn't seem to mind.
Well after 21 minutes of this show, a lady began shouting out the name of what sounded like Willie Ford. I asked the man next to me what she said and he said what I heard, so I asked the lady did she mean Ward??? She snapped and said "I been calling your name all mourning, so hurry up so we can get this show on the road, the Doctor has been waiting on you!" I immediately felt a burning rage slowly igniting in my mind. So I asked the lady was she having a bad day because I had planned on having a good experience  on that day. I explained I was listening tentatively for my name and that he only called the incorrect name twice. She ignored me and continued to talk cray cray to your boi. I told her that we can get me a more professional Nurse because I am someone important and I can take my $$$ to another facility." About that time, 2 co-workers recognized me and greeted me with warm smiles along with a Doctor and guess who figured out I was an employee their????? She changed her entire attitude and apologized for her actions thus far. I didn't want to forgive her but I knew it was the right thing to do.
Next comes the anesthesiologist, they put the IV things in my hands and told me what to expect. I mentioned that this was suppose to be a quick procedure without me getting undressed and going into the surgery room. She gave me some words about it just procedure. I stated that under no circumstances did I want to be put to sleep. She assured me again, that it was cool and I would be sent to a happy place? I said what happy place and how do I get back, she said I would get just a little propofol!!!! I said oh hecky to the knoll, because that's how they got Michael Jackson.   She then says that he killed himself because he was home in his living room administrating it himself. I corrected her again, by saying that Dr. Conrad Murray was there with him. She just looked at me and said we can talk about it in a minute. Now we going down the hallway to a room that had 15 people moving rapidly doing something close to nothing and smiling at me. They put me on a narrow table and said stretch my arms out to give me some meds. I said no propofol because I need to be awake, they said o.k. and while I was mid sentence I felt the meds kick in and 3 secs later I was in another room talking to a new Nurse about her bad kids. I was like whooaaaa, what just happened here? And who are you? Believe me, I understand how Michael Jackson was killed messing with that drug!!!! I bet he still don't know he dead yet?
With that being said, my lump has been taken away and replaced with a bad stitch job and what feels like a Joan Rivers face lift type of feeling in my head. No one can accurately predict the future, but if I would have know it was gonna play out like this, I would have kept my lump and grew out a nice afro. I still can't believe I went in for a 5 min in office procedure that turned into an episode of Mash! O.k. I survived the surgery but moving forward, I am keeping everything else I came with or later grow lol!
I am Ward (minus the lump)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The confusion of relationships....

"Women expect you to read their minds like a psychic." --Ward's homeboy from College.
Men aren't very good mind readers. In fact, we often have difficulty just figuring out what women mean with the words they speak. I think women are far more sophisticated communicators than men if the want to be; they seem to be more adept at the subtleties of gestures, facial expressions, and body language. Therefore, men and women almost always suffer from communication breakdowns in relationships.
Unfortunately, some women do not express themselves honestly and openly. It seems that they are more comfortable to use voice inflections and body language to communicate what they mean, even when the actual words they are saying convey the opposite. Take this situation, for example: "No, I don't mind if you go out with your friends instead of taking me to a movie tonight," a woman says, tapping her foot and looking away with her arms folded. Although her mouth is saying quite literally, "No, I don't mind," her body is saying she does mind. Women expect the men in their lives to read their nonverbal cues.
Some men fail to read the nonverbal cues of the women in their lives. When this happens, an argument is almost always the result, because the woman feels that she communicated her feelings to the man and he ignored her. For example, I'll use the scenario from the previous paragraph. When that man comes home from his night out with the guys, his wife is going to be angry at him. She'll probably snap at him when she talks, slam doors, or even yell at him.
"What's the problem?" he'll ask.
"You know what the problem is!"
But he really may not know what the problem is, because she never came out and said what she meant in words. She expected him to read the nonverbal cues and he totally missed them. As a result, the woman believes that the man is just being callous and self-centered. Likewise, the man is upset too; he thinks she's nagging him for no reason. Both of them will go to bed angry.This leaves Wardy wondering why don't people just don't let love do his its thing and not fight the harder fight?
I am Ward

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...