Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kids are innocent......its the old people that keep mess going..........

As I look at my youngest daughter and how happy her and her sister are when they are with their little friends makes me smile. They all laugh and play together, get mad and make up and be friends all within the same hour! Its ironic when it comes to adults, because we spend so much time trying to avoid certain people, suck up to others and sometimes be indifferent to others.

Kids often times don't pay much attention to how many letters are behind your name or how much money you make. Its all about the time you spend with them showing them love and attention. That why they love their friendships so much! When they kicks it, they really make the most of their time. I can't tell you how much time I have wasted not talking to people, avoiding others and being mad over issues that eye was to blind to really see.

Looking at my daughter and her friends, I am happy to see that the world with all its current badness does have it bright spots. Perhaps its a puppy chasing his tail, a new born smiling for the first time or just seeing your kids happy just because......
I am Ward.....

Monday, May 28, 2012

Wardz 911 for your relationship....

0.Pray daily with your mate and your marriage. Jah wants you to have a vibrant marriage, and He will guide you.

1. Devote daily time and effort to improving your marriage.

2. Try to re-create the excitement of your courtship by doing some of the things you did then.

3. Fight monotony by doing the unexpected.

4. Do something for your mate every day that says, “I Love You” in a tangible way.

5. Place no 1 above your mate.

6. Consider regular get a ways to fun spots

7. Talk to your mate over dinner or somewhere neutreal and always be loving.

I am Ward....

I really wonder why people want to get married?

There are at least 99 different reasons why people want to tie the knot, but to get a divorce shouldn't be 1 of them!

The first probable answer to the question “Why do people get married?” may be for companionship. Most people want to grow old with someone they love. They want to have someone to talk to, travel with and share life’s challenges with. When life gets tough, it becomes manageable if you have a caring spouse by our side.(I stress the CARING SPOUSE PART-LOL) Whether you have a job or stay home, sharing a household with somebody at night and on weekends can give a sense of fulfillment in your personal and social life.Its almost like a routine that defines who you are based on what you do.

Who doesn’t want romance/love in their life? I know I do!In reality, you can get involved with someone without getting married but it can be meaningless if you think about it. Both of you know that either can give up on the relationship in a blink of an eye (I call this running),creating a sense of edginess and insecurity. Coming with a formal marriage sentence are respect and commitment, which SHOULD enhance the romantic value of the relationship. It’s always a great feeling to wake up with someone who has vowed to share his/her life with you, and vice versa. Stolen kisses or a late-night hook upz are extra sweet!
I asked my 22 year old nephew “Why do people get married?” and he stated that he wants to have their own family! It sorta made sense,even though I think he crazy,but raising a family with someone you love is possibly the most intimate relationship you can have on Earth (Jehovah is the best). Bringing up children and doing everything to provide them with a good life (food, shelter, education, good but whoopinz when needed.) are not easy. Kids need both a male and a female in their worlds to keep dat balance. When one or the other is lacking, it may interrupt normal kid patterns and regularnezz of being kid. There R a lot of single parents who actually raise healthy and successful children, but it is easier and better to have 2 parents who work ""together"" to attain this goal.

Those who have a so called good job that pays well can financially support themselves. However, what happens when the company goes out of business or something costs you your job? Wardy's point here is not about getting married for money; rather, it is cool to know that in marriage, the couple shares assets and helps each other through rough times including that Chinese disease called fundz R Low- hits your family.

After considering these options, you may be able decide whether you want to marry or not. I am one of the those who feel that marriage is a good thing, but I have learned that you both have to have regular communication/complete trust and honesty to allow the relationship to grow. I find most couples who fail, are not willing to try and out love the other by letting him or her play their assigned marital roles. If you look at couples who have been married a long time, you will see that they are best friends, place no one above their mate (not even kids!) and they actually enjoy each others company. I am aware that conflicts can and will arise, but how the couple resolves the issues is how the relationships will be defined.

B4 I end, I will say this. Marriage is an institution created by the creator of he universe. It was for the union of 1 man and 1 woman to become 1 unit. The man was the head of the arrangement and the woman is to be his support system to help him achieve the family goals. This is never easy considering you have two different imperfect people coming under 1 roof, but when both are on the same page, it can work well. The ironic thing eye find now men not being good family heads and women who want to tell the man how the relationship is going to go (its cool to voice your opinion, but re-read the roles, if he ain't right for you, move on then with your bad single self!).
Hey, hopefully u will find your own answers to the question “Why do people get married?”

I am Ward...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Law number 10

Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky

You can die from someone else’s misery – emotional states are as infectious as disease. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.
I am Ward..

Monday, May 14, 2012


Stop complaining. As long as you are alive, you have time to make the wrong right! Either you get in the game and participate or stay on the side lines and be unhappily happy- (((you big loser))). You are guaranteed to miss 100% of your shots if you never take a shot.
I am Ward.....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Does it matter if yo bag iz REAL?????

Today @ work I noticed many of the women folk have nice purses. Most of them only buy the realness too! I began to think to myself "Does it really matter if your purse is {So called Real}"? All it really does it hold your items as you move from point A 2 B right????
Me being the person that I be, I looked at an expensive bag alongside a fake one and only noticed slight differences. So slight, I am sure that the average consumer would not even be able to pick the real from the fake. It seems that most people from their views of life based on their experiences and they usually don't sway too much from that perspective.
Also could it be that it’s just a woman thang and men folk are not suppose to understand it? Naaaahhhh, I doubt that because some men are like that with clothing. I know a brutha who only wears Polo, True Religion and Creative Action exclusively, but this is another blog-lol! Back to the purses, I recall when women use to match the purse with the shoes, the belts and the hair, now the purse has its own identity. So at the end of the day, it’s just personal preference. So if you want spend 4 times the amount of money to impress somebody who don't know you and presumably don't care about you then that’s your prerogative...whoooo hoooo, but then again if you that chick who likes to have knock off that looks like the so-called real bag and still have money in the bag to do other thangs.....well Wardy is with you when you are right sucka.
I am Ward.......

Monday, May 7, 2012

Some men do get jealous........

Many words can be used to describe men as a species. Double-standardish is one of them. As is "Gullible", "Egotistical", and "Single-Minded" (Yes I know that is two words stuck together. You don't need to point that out sucka). But one word that almost always applies when talking about men is "Hypocritical".

You see, a man will stare at a hundred different girls while standing there with his lady. That same man will openly drool over the attractive waitress's boobz as she bends over to take his order. Yet, if that man's girlfriend takes so much as one passing glance at another male waiter's body... well... that man will pitch a fit. The question before us today is, "Why will a man that openly appreciates the bodies of other females then get angry when his lady looks at another man?" The answer is actually really simple... Because the woman is his property.

Now wait a minute,just hear me out.When you get married the scriptures say your body belongs to him and his belongs to you-right. So read on suckers....

Men, for as long as anyone can remember, have been territorial animals. It started with land. Men would seek out what land they want, fight to get it, then they errrr thing trying to defend it until some larger man comes along and takes it from them.

Eventually, due to some bad judgment calls, men started to think of women as property in a bad way, like the female is less than-ya feelz me? The same rules that applied to land were carried over. A man would seek out what woman he wanted, he would fight to get her, then he would act brand new trying to keep her until some "larger" man showed up and showed that woman that the first man wasn't about her but about his property.....

Look, at the end of the day, Jealousy is never showing love.It is very often a bad thing. The definition I like for Jealousy is (((the fear of losing something you already have))). So if you got it, why tripp over nothing! Just be good to them and accept the good days with the bad. Accept their extra affectionate hugs and kisses, myriad of phone calls and say I love you as often as you feel it. It may just solve the man's jealous problem.
P.S.....it wont hurt if you become a Miami Heat fan too!

I am WarD...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The 1 who loves least klearly kontrols the relationship

Woody Allen once said :Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. Kind of makes you think doesn't it? Can a chicken change its stripes? Once a cheater always a cheater? Can you trust someone based off their past? Don't really know for sure do we? Funny thing is that sometimes, we treat new strangers better than old friends. Perhaps its "US" who needs to practice love. Did you know before the Bible character ((Paul)) became one of Jesus chosen 12! Well that brotha use to kill Christians for sport!!! Yet, he was chosen by Jesus to be down with him and his earthly purpose. What made Jesus think this man could change from what he use to be? Oh maybe it was love....or perhaps he knew that what you ((were)) is not who you are now or capable of being with guidance in da future. Just food for thought!
I am Ward....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...