If you are like me, then you need more time in the course of a 24 hour day. I mean where does the time go? Is someone stealing it or am I just waisting it? I know I am dang near perfect-lol, so someone has got to be taking mine, nonetheless, here are some hot tips to help all of us get back on time and off the CP time that yall are oh so good at.......
Keep a daily to do list. Check of the items as they are completed. Carry the left over or incomplete items to 2morrows list.
Schedule the most important task first. It will be easier to find time for the less important ones.
Set goals that you have a large degree of control. You might want to focus on a manager position at your job rather than CEO in 6 months, but hey you gotta do you-right?
Be Real with yo self. You won't be able to do everything you want in a day. So if you can delegate them or eliminate them, try spending less time on them.... like watching lifetime-ESPN-or Jerry Springer........
Schedule less. If you try to get the car fixed, shop for food and entertain friends you might get overwhelmed. Do some here & the rest there...Geeeshhh mannnn..
Minimize interruptions. Block off time when you can't be disturbed, only with an emergency. (Sponge Bob not being on at the correct time is not life threatening, but it could be if you feel me). Turn of the blackberry and unplug the phone and put in work....
Allow time for the unexpected. I am sure number 6 will come back and bite you in the Asteroid......
Use transitional time well. When driving to work-listen to the news then or Bible recording. When you are waiting the license branch or for a train, do the same. This is will prevent you from complaining how you wasted time earlier....
Don't be a perfectionist sucka, know when its time to move on to the next important activity. I once got a hair cut for 48 hours......."Oye Veyyyyy"
Be flexible, these are not hard and fast rules, try some out and find what works for you. Shoot none of them may work for you, but then again, you got the problem cuz I am perfect-remember?
I aM WaRd......