Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Oweeeee & maybe--Excitement!!!---The let down--- faces of being a passenger or am I just a Indiana Pacer fan.....

Oweeeee & maybe-- Sudden Excitement!!!---The sad let down--- faces of being a passenger or am I just a Indiana Pacer fan.....

I am Ward.....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Learning to love my brother from a distance.....

I find that the more I study and do research, the more I find that it is more than I need and want to know, if that makes sense? At the moment I am reading several great reads that have given me so much insight into this blue marble they we call Earth, that sometimes I forget that my fellow brothers don't always share my zeal for the truth.
I find that when it comes to self improvement, many people want instant results with out putting in the normal required time as is customary. I saw on television just  the other day, a plan for a 10 minute a day work out. I can't even finish my lunch in freaking 10 minutes, so how somebody gonna get rid of fat in 10 min? Cmon son? The cold hard truth is this: In order to successfully loose weight, one must change his diet, include moderate exercise and and think positive for starters. There are no loop holes in the race for life people.
I also had encountered another conversation that made me chuckle! It was indicated to that God is cool with Christians playing the power-ball. Again, I say: There are no loop holes in the race of life suckers. Let's think about this point. God says keep your eye simple or be modest in everything. Does it really make sense to think God wants you to have 300 million dollars,even if you do feel you can do good for others from your perspective. I think not! If we living in the last days, could that possibly mean in his own time God will solve man kinds problems and not some hopefully- lucky gambler who may or may not use the money for 100% good. Somehow, I see that winner of  $$$ getting a really big house, cars, trips and who knows what else. Would God do that? That's just one reason why gambling is wrong.......HUMAN GREED! Also, most winners of the lottery go broke faster than an ex NBA baller. Sure some may say, its just 2 dollars here and there so who cares? I understand their position, but didn't the same God who told Adam and Eve to "not" eat from that tree in the garden of Eden? Was that just a matter of interpenetration too?
Anywho, I was just thinking that I am going to despise the free meals or short cuts of life in order to feel good about trying to do the right thing. As I try to fix my past broken wings and learn to fly high, I am learning to love my brother from a distance.......

I am Ward.....

Thursday, May 16, 2013


This hunger 4 control, common to all of us, is the root of so many problems in life. Staying true to the same ideas and ways of doing things makes it that much harder4 us to adapt to the inevitable changes in life. If we try to dominate a situation with some kind of aggressive action, this becomes our only option. We cannot give in, or adapt, or bide our time- that would mean letting go of our grip, and we fear that. Having such narrow options makes it hard to solve problems. Forcing people to do what we want makes them resentful-inevitably they sabotage us or assert themselves against our will. What we find is that our desire to micromanage the world around us comes with a paradoxical effect--The harder we try to KONTROL things in our immediate environment, the more likely we R to lose control in the long run!

“As quote by Mr. Curtis Jackson…..aka 50 Cent!”

I am Ward….

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Why can't we just believe.......

I mean really? Is it just me or can people simply not see that change comes from the collective rather than squarely on the shoulders of the individual? Lately, I really been enjoying reading self help material and finding out that this stuff has weight! Of course the reader is expected to take action, but eye can only assume that most people do care to take it that far.
After an exceptionally great read, I decided to test it out on some friends and was shocked to see the way it went down. The book challenged a focus group to answer this question: Can the United States completely rid itself of all jails and prisons in 30 years or less?

Just like the book said, 99% of the people poled would say things like, The world has too many criminals who need to be incarcerated, Jails are always over crowed anyway and police and prison guards need employment! All those points are notable,  but the point of the question is to think creatively. For example, if a poor family wants to send their only child to "Big University"" with no disposable income. What do they do, just say "See ya next life time, son?" No! They get creative and look for scholarships, look in the grants available to low income families or even the selective service (without carrying a gun). With that being said, back to the prison question. Once pushed, people in the book began to say maybe if there were more programs to educate citizens on career options, rewards in society for people who stay drug or accident free or rehabilitation programs in the city that really rehabilitate people who err. The solution to change begins with us being (you and me sucka) the needed catalysts with our thinking and actions. Once we start to look at the world differently, the world will become different or at the very least, better than it was!

I can't recount the many times I have been in meetings and listened to people debate about change as if it were something bad. Seems like we get so use to doing it the way everybody else did it, that change is not an option. I have come to accept that in this rat wheel of life we image ourselves to be in has only 1 rule for success: WE HAVE TO FIND A WAY TO BETTER WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING DAILY.....PERIOD!

If I want to loose weight, I have to get a work out plan and follow it. If I want a better job, I may need more training or schooling- then do it suckers! If I want need to do dang near anything, stop making excuses and start producing fruits worthy of results. Again, in order for this to work on a large scale, it takes group effort, but on a smaller scale it can start at home, work place and personal environment. I  feel comfortable that I am gonna continue trying to expand my circle of creative thinking, but the real question is what are you gonna do sucker?????
I am Ward.....

Monday, May 13, 2013

Today i am just thanking..........

SomE times a brutha just has so many things on his mind that he can't write a blog. So I decided tO just write about some things I am thinking about! Wonna read it? Here it goes?

*Why do people lie, I mean what is the point-Really?
*Do my co-workers enjoy their jobs or is it a means to an end?
*Is there really one that got away or did we push theM the freak away?
*Do people read their Bibles or just listen what others have to say and form an opinion????
*Why do white people love cAr racing? Isn't it a way to drive fast w/o getting a ticket?
*Is answering a yes or no question an opportunity for a long conversation?
*Are the Illuminati so good that people think they are not real?
*HavE you ever noticed that relationships start out good and fade over time?
*If having a baby hurts so bad, why do so many women have babies- I couldn't do it- LMHO!
*Why do fans think God take sides in sports games? I mean really people? Does he wear a Miami Heat T?
*If we are living in the last daYs, why do people still act like we are not? What flood you talking about Willis?
*How does Stevie Wonder know if he is wearing brushed cotton or Mink? Good thang I ain't his tailor?
*Since mothers so called day is over, can we be mean to them again?
*Why can't women gEt along with other women for long?
*I think girzl DO FART!!!!
*Who in the heck came up with the 5 day work wEEk? Why not work all wknd and be off M-F???
*How do they come up with the expiration date on milk? Does the cow whisper it to the milker?
*Does any 1 ever say "Dang, I am one ugly sucka"????
*What makes gay people want to tell the world how they get down sexually? Isn't that taboo?
*Why do so many people like chocolate and/or cola drinks, never understood that?
*What makes us hold grudges for sooooooo long?
I am (Pensive) Ward......

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Have you ever noticed that when we focus on the wrong questionz we "always" get the wrong answerz? Let me splainnnn Lucy! I taught students in public schools for 3 L-O-N-G   Y-E-A-R-Z, and I swore to myself that I would never* ever do that job again. Heck, I rather flip burgers at Big Dan's before I go down that road again! Let me give a few reasons why! I found that many students face challenges that I nor my friends dealt with while going to school. Drugs are the norm, promiscuity is rampant, homosexuality is praised, corporal punishment is out at schools and parents are getting younger by the generation. Wheewwww! With all this being, I began to wonder why is all this common place in 2013. The simple answer is satan, but lets take the long route today-lol!

I feel one major flaw that eye witnessed was parents not being aware of their children's proclivities. Once the absent parent decided to come to school, it was usually to come chin check the teacher for unfairly singling out their innocent angel! I wonder what lesson did the kids learn from their parents actions. I know some teachers are a challenge from burn out or lack of cultural skills, but most of the time, from my perspective, they just want 2 do their job and go on with life. What happened to the days of kids be respectful to elders and the community having the kids best interest at heart even if it meant whooping that butt!

Seems like the apple don't fall far from the tree, because look how many adults handle issues! If there is a traffic jam, we get road rage....If our fast food order is incorrect or takes to long to cook, we experience a mini melt down or even guns being pulled....What if we are bored- then we start to over eat and be lazy......If someone "wrongs us" in actions, we tell the world how we were done wrong!  So when the kids see adults acting like this, what can we really expect from them???  Just recently I over heard a young 21 year old tell his mother that he use to sale and smoke marijuana when he was in the 8th grade and she never had a clue!!! Wouldn't you think with all the technology we have in the world, work days would be shorter, $$$$ would be better and we should be living longer. Not really happening is it?

I simply think families need to spend time togeather with the t.v.,internet,ipad etc ((off)). You maybe surprised at what you find out about each other! I personally enjoy talking to my girls about life, school, goals and the future. I explained to them about being respectful of adults and teachers often. I tell them and myself that eye don't expect perfection from anyone, but it is reasonable to have common decency from your fellow man. How about this, lower your expectations of others, raise the expectations of your own actions and take some freaking "responsibility".

I am Ward.....

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Now that I’ve learned to look at things with the eyes of simplicity, I can see others making mistakes I’ve made in the past.

I want to gently say to them — and to my past self — “Stop making things so complicated!”

I’m not going to criticize how other people do things in this post, but rather talk about things I did wrong in the past.

The biggest problem came when starting a new interest— starting a credit repair business, trying to get organized or productive, starting blogging, getting out of debt, or just learning to cut hair.

I’d always make things so complicated — looking back on it, I either want to cringe or laugh. And yet, I know that life is a learning process, and those early mistakes helped me to get to where I am. Even now, I make tons of mistakes, learning as I go. But for me, the point is I keep going suckers.

Example 1: I wanted to be more productive, so I read the 48 laws of power, an excellent book. I realized how productive people move and why. I saw how people make the simple stuff harder than it needed to be.

Today, my advice to my former self is: stop making it complicated. Productivity, such as I care about it today, is simple. You pick the most important thing you want to do today, clear distractions, and start on it. You don’t even need a list, though having a list for remembering what else needs to be done later is fine. Have one list, but don’t over perfect it. Just pick one thing, and start working.

Example 2: When I wanted to get out of debt, I tried various things, I tried all kind of internet tricks, I made schedules for payments, I tracked everything, and so on. It was complicated, believe me.

Now I know it’s simple. First, stop the unnecessary spending (I know, easier said than done, but once you learn to recognize it and stop your impulse urges, it’s not complicated). Second, put everything you can to one debt at a time pay off that one debt, then pay off the next.

Example 3: When I started blogging in January 2011, I looked at dozens of different blogging platforms/software, themes, ad platforms, ebooks, articles on every possible blogging topic. This is what eye does, research before I act, because I don't like looking or being called a fool!

But today, I know it’s simple: you pick a topic, and write. Then hit publish. Share your stuff via Twitter or Facebook if you like, but don’t worry so much about that. Just write interesting and/or useful stuff, and people will find you eventually. Just write, and publish, at least that what I do-lol!

When you start something new, sure, there’s a learning process/curve. But also realize that while the learning is good, the doing doesn’t have to be complicated at all. Find the simplest way to do things, and just start doing it. You’ll learn by doing. This can apply to a job, relationships and even religion.

I am Ward.....

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...