To be a good leader one must first learn to be good follower is how the old saying goes! I must admit, it is easier said than done. I was talking to a friend today who mentioned how long Moses had to wander around back in the days (40 Years)! Really when you think about it what else did he have to do, especially considering God told him to wander in the first dawg gone place!
Similarly, when it comes to married folk and those in other relationships: They too have to be good followers in order for the situation to be effective-right? Well let me do some splaining Lucy! Let us say your boss wants you to copy 500 pages one at a time, but you feelz like can be done quicker, so you do it your way. Bump what the man/woman in charge wants...its silly right. Perhaps, but life has taught me to respect the position! It works great for the armed services. See when you are following you must neva out shine thy master according to the 48 laws of power. When the time comes for you to be in the lead, you will appreciate when some one can follow you with all the unnecessary lip action.
To me having you back doesn't mean you are a suck up, but someone who can carry out the actions that the person in charges needs, but can tactfully input their ideals at the right moment. That is having yo back. How many times have I seen many a couple argue over the simplest of things that could have been solved by attacking the problem rather than each other. After all communication is the life blood of any relationship. A simple smile and first, something positive, followed by the hard cold facts, again followed by something nice will do so much more than saying in the heat of an argument " You are not only an idiot, but you burnt the beans last week!" I just say to do this: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Think about this, Jesus was a perfect man on Earth, but he still have 12 men he trusted to help in do his important work. His actions showed that we need to be able to count on others and to let their yes mean yes and no mean no. It ain't easy but well worth the effort. You know I am right. At the end of the day, it feels good knowing that you are not alone on this big blue marble we call Earth. I personally want to build the reputation that says, when you ask Wardy to do something and he says yes, then you don't worry cause you know its already done- done right and done right the first time. Hey sucka- I got yo back...
I am WaRd.........