Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I got yo back........

To be a good leader one must first learn to be good follower is how the old saying goes! I must admit, it is easier said than done. I was talking to a friend today who mentioned how long Moses had to wander around back in the days (40 Years)! Really when you think about it what else did he have to do, especially considering God told him to wander in the first dawg gone place!
Similarly, when it comes to married folk and those in other relationships: They too have to be good followers in order for the situation to be effective-right? Well let me do some splaining Lucy! Let us say your boss wants you to copy 500 pages one at a time, but you feelz like can be done quicker, so you do it your way. Bump what the man/woman in charge wants...its silly right. Perhaps, but life has taught me to respect the position! It works great for the armed services. See when you are following you must neva out shine thy master according to the 48 laws of power. When the time comes for you to be in the lead, you will appreciate when some one can follow you with all the unnecessary lip action.
To me having you back doesn't mean you are a suck up, but someone who can carry out the actions that the person in charges needs, but can tactfully input their ideals at the right moment. That is having yo back. How many times have I seen many a couple argue over the simplest of things that could have been solved by attacking the problem rather than each other. After all communication is the life blood of any relationship. A simple smile and first, something positive, followed by the hard cold facts, again followed by something nice will do so much more than saying in the heat of an argument " You are not only an idiot, but you burnt the beans last week!" I just say to do this: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Think about this, Jesus was a perfect man on Earth, but he still have 12 men he trusted to help in do his important work. His actions showed that we need to be able to count on others and to let their yes mean yes and no mean no. It ain't easy but well worth the effort. You know I am right. At the end of the day, it feels good knowing that you are not alone on this big blue marble we call Earth. I personally want to build the reputation that says, when you ask Wardy to do something and he says yes, then you don't worry cause you know its already done- done right and done right the first time. Hey sucka- I got yo back...

I am WaRd.........

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wise saying 4 Sunday and some for Monday.....

Warren Buffett: Wise Saying
If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.

Hermann Hesse, Demian: Wise Saying
If you hate a person, you hate something in something in him that is a part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.

Chinese proverb: Wise Saying
If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions.

Ayn Rand: Wise Saying
I'm working to improve my methods, and every hour I save is an hour added to my life.

Anne Armstrong: Wise Saying
In the space age the most important space is between the ears.

Belgian Proverb: Wise Saying
It is no use waiting for your ship to come in unless you have sent one out.

Oliver Wendell Holmes: Wise Saying
It is the province of knowledge to speak and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.

Wardz Words of Wisdumbbb: Wise Saying
Win through your actions, never through an argument

I am WarD.....

Friday, June 25, 2010

Give us FrEe Water.......

When you think about it, we all want the truth from what ever it is we seek, but not necessarily ready to accept that truth, especially when it is not something that we wanted too or was expecting to hear. Check out what happen to me just the other day. I go up and did my a.m. routine and headed for the shower, and yes I brushed my teeth...both of them! Well, the ironic thing is when I went to cut on the water, nothing came out of the shower but me being upset. I went to the other shower and again no water. What the fudge? So I went outside and saw my neighbors watering their yard, so I immediately thought that I had to call the water company to see what was up. I called and the lady said " Oh yeah, we disconnected you today for non payment of your bill. I explained that I always pay my bill ahead and that she should double check. She was adamant but to shut me up, she agreed to double check. Guess what happened next? Wardy was correct and they made a mistake. The lady apologized several times with a renewed attitude.
I was slight perturbed but said it happens and when can I expect my services back on? She told me sometime before midnight? I was like what...it wasn't my fault. Again came the apologizes and me with no water. I am thinking what if I had put that conk in my hair to get that greasy Jermaine Jackson look and couldn't get the burn to stop. I tell you I am sure that I would have went to jail for sure then.
Well all this started out around 8 a.m. and the day goes by until 4pm when I can't take it no more and I decided that I need to be compensated for this error and inconvenience so I called back to inquire about my concerns. Of course I get Ghetto Gina on the phone who is smacking gum in my ear and laughing at my situation. I asked her why the snickering and she said I was getting personal and it was just an error that didn't leave me with out water for a whole day. I should just basically wait until midnight when the water should be back on. Now we all know I have been trying to work on meekness, but on this day I honestly failed. I felt that if I had not paid my water bill and they had to come back to reconnect me they would charge me $30 to hook it back up. I felt I was entitled to that in reverse. Ghetto Gina said that was non-sense. We went around and around for 23 minutes and finally, I said I understand you are not gonna budge, its cool and disconnected from the call. I learned that sometimes, we gotta accept that certain things are out of our control. I let it go.....but it was hard. I wanted to go down there and act ethnic, but what would I have solved. Funny thing is, shortly after I got off the phone the dude showed up and reconnected my water. Its amazing how many things-big or small they are-force us to make a choice. While being honest with myself, I gotta accept that even though I don't want to always accept what others say to me, Stupid is a choice too!
I am Ward

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mi vida loca!

I try to give the other person the benefit of the situation most of the time, but today I guess I am tired. I played basketball the other day and broke my finger. Man, does it hurt. I actually heard it snap! Its cool, cuz in 4 ta 5 weeks I will be back and doing what I does on the Kourt of balls! Anywho, whilst I was playing the faithful game, I was defending this short brotha who doesn't care that much for me anyway, and we exchanged words. He had the nerve to say that I was playing him to close on defense. I was like YAHHHHH, that is the purpose of defense, to get up in your grill to prevent you from scoring sucka....... He felt otherwise! Again he has a right to his perspective and I have a right to reality-lol!
Went out and purchased me another van this week too. I really like it, but the darn A/C needs to be fixed. I was so hot driving that mug down the street that I was leaking sweat onto other cars. Note to self: Leather seats and skin and sun are not a good look! I will get it fixed and add a 15in DVD player to keep the kiddies from talking to me to death on road trips.......
I aint even gonna discuss how my sista....whewwwww. Lets just say we are gonna need a little space for quite sometimes. I can't deal with moodiness to that level. I know you sick, but take your frustrations out on somebody who might stick around to be put down.....I aint the one son!
Next we went to Golden Corral, but turns out it was Fathers day so the price was $15 not including the drinks.....hecky knolllll- Ya boy bounced out that joint faster than a black man accidentally going to a Klan rally! Dipped over to Chili's and got the best worst service in a long time! I asked dude for a water, he brought sprite. I asked for stake well done and no pink, I got all pink and undone, he took it back and it some how got pinker.....is that possible? I said just let me take it off and charge me for the kids meal, then comes the damage control gay manager to offer to cook the steak himself. Yeah right! I declined and he said I could have ribs on the house. I was like coo! It just down hill from there. Lets just say I jumped back into my hot van and went to WalMart to cool off.
Went job number 2 and caught a person getting real familiar with his teddy bear, then wanting to shake my hand. I thinks not sucka. A simple wave from a far far far distance will always get a better response from the Wardy Water-lol!
Oh boy, I am tired just thinking about this weekend. I guess I need two of me to do everything I gotta do while having this crazy life..........C.N.
I am waRD....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What does being Gay mean 2 me?

On the way home this mourning, the question arose over Queen (Dana Owens)Latifah's sexuality. I mean, if anybody saw set it off, this topic would be a non-topic other than trying to comprehend the When's-Where-and How's of the situation of being gay from the jump. Nonetheless, the jocks were asking if her sexuality has affected her role in the movie Just Right? Honestly, I saw the movie and felt that it sucked but better than most people expected it to be- but that doesn't make it a good movie-does it?
I feel she is an A list actress one of the best female or male rappers of all time and her business is her business. Still, when a person becomes a celebrity, he/she opens up their life for the world to judge and own a small piece of it. I think they call it the price of fame. S Trust.... take it from a broke brutha, I would have no problem with those requirements-lol! Still, people want to know if you are straight or gay. Who wants to fantasize about your fav celebrity only to realize they want your brotha or sister-lol.
I can't say I've had a real conversation with a real live gay person about his/her sexuality because I really wouldn't care because I feel it is a incorrect life course for me to follow: thus the lack of interest in the topic for me. However, the radio show made the think today (that is what radio is suppose to do) about what does gay mean to me. Again, I don't approve for me but someone has to live their life the way they deem necessary and deal with what ever consequences may incur. I could not see me being attracted to something I already have such as going to the car lot and buying the exact same car I already drive, the same color, same mileage and same check engine light on for the same darn reason! Nope, not gonna happen! Ladies, I don't think you go to the mall to purchase the exact same purse you already have either?
I just find a mild mannered, meek woman with long hair sooo attractive. The way they move and speak is alluring. But how the freak is a 6 foot amazon with a Adams apple gonna appeal to me? I always heard that if you have an apple- that your surely have a banana too! I guess the ideal of a man and woman makes too much sense to me-lol! Then there are those who say God made them that way at birth, (forget about reading his word for that perspective-that's 2 much like right!) but I disagree, of course. If God can create an ever expanding universe with millions of galaxies and sun's that are 20 times the size of ours, planets with multiple moons and the planets don't crash into each other, I think if he wanted people to be gay that he would have said so like he did about the other things he told us.
Again, this is just one man's view, others have 2 do what they have to do because we are all responsible for owning our own various selves-right. So with that being said, If Queen is really gay (YES)it won't butter my bread, but if she wanted to know my thoughts, I'm more than willing to share my simple view.......
I be WaRd (aka-Just Right Now).......................

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What Wardy is Wandering 3

*Why do people speed to work only to do nothing when they get there?

*Why can't BP fix that darn oil leak?

*How do idiots become supervisors.....all the time!

*Should we limit the number of times a person can get married- say at 3 (is plenty)

*If kids feel that they know so much, why don't they just move into they own place??

*If education is so important- Y are teachers unpaid?

*Why does the law ticket us for no seat belts in a car, but no helmet requirement for motorcycles?

*Why is water free at stores and restaurants but not in our homes?

*How can anybody be prejudice and be a sports fan? I mean really.....

*Why do people say never hit a woman to a man but seldom say Women don't start a fight by hitting a dude cuz he may hit you in your grill!

*Why do opposites attract in the first place?

*How many times are we gonna remake an old movie? I saw the freaking original!!

*Why not make the work week 4 days rather than 5 for the same money?

*Why not have one time zone for the world?

*What the heck is 4Th meal?

*Why does everyone talk about doing something and never do anything?

I am Ward......

Thursday, June 3, 2010

ChiLDreN R Da fuTUre............right??????

The last couple of days have been very interesting for me. I am teaching class but seem to be learning quite a bit also. Granted the subject matter that I am responsible for disseminating is rather intense for an audience that are not accustomed to being in that particular environment if you know what I mean.
Nevertheless, I find that a great deal of young folk really feel that they are adults and very adamant about doing things their own way. For example, I spoke at length about conflict resolution only to realize that my words were falling upon deaf ears! I was told that if someone hits you or disrespects then you (the victim) must strike back with a variety of weapons. It was explained to me about ways of keeping a razor blade in your mouth until you are ready to slice someone open. I was shown how to walk with your pants sagging with no belt. I was told how its not a requirement to be poliet to customers at your place of employment and my favorite was how Parents are out of touch with the youth and why they are undeserving of respect from the kids!!!!!
I quickly realized that a group with this mentality is gonna have to experience thangs for themselves the hard way before they realize that an 18 year old just doesn't know everything there is to know about in the world. I just can't grasp my mind around the ideal of fighting another person when I can just walk away. I am allergic to going to jail! I think about things like paying my bills on time, making sure the family is alright and getting to work on time! I was never interested in smoking, buying or selling a blunt. I don't feel the need to get faded or drunk. But what eye tell myself is that "I" don't feel that way and others are entitled to their perspective and choices.
When you care about someone, often times we actually want to help them avoid the pitfalls of life, but still they want to forge forward. After all, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him blow a bubble! I guess after working so long in the field, one gets accustomed to rules and consequences. I must admit, I enjoy being able to purchase what ever I want, when I want to get it, but the young people I have encountered are heck bent on living for today!
Sometimes, I feel that I expect, want and hope for waaaayyyy 2 much from the people we call our future. Following simple rules, paying attention and showing respect seem to be passe and the love of man has surely cooled off. Its getting harder to get a good job with little education but it seems to be more applicants nun the less. If I never hear "Why we gotta do this" or "Can we leave early" again, it will be too soon for me-lol!
I know I was young once too, and must have thought I knew it all as a teenage too, but reality has thing to snap you back right fast and in a hurry called "LIFE"! So here is my advice to all you young people who say you R grown but still living with your mama, who want don't want a curfew, who talk side ways to your parents: Get out and go do you. Show the world you are ready and how you can make it with no job or money. Spare us all the trouble of saving your butts and show us the way....
I am WaRd!

Men have feelings too!

I often hear quotes like "Happy wife-Happy life or I have to ask the Mrs. or my wife is always nagging me. I understand that no re...